Part 20

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We were standing up in the hall, watching over the railing people in Sanctuary. It was gloomy place, but it was safe. Work from today was done, and we were going to our room. Everyone didn't have their own room, but Daryl did deserve it because he was in charge and he would be always working if he didn't have a place where to breathe. For me it was extra, I was there because of Daryl. Now I did stand next to him and tried to get him to get to bed. "Hey, come on, you can leave them for tonight. Let's go to clean up and resting." Daryl didn't say anything but unnoticed he moved his hand behind me and gently squeezed my ass. "Mmm. Not that yet, but we can figure out something nice to you." I said quietly. Daryl looked at me and nodded.

Daryl flopped on the bed and put his hands behind his head. I turned on my stomach on the bed and look at him. "What kind of relaxation would you like to have?" Looking sneaky he said "I wanna fuck." "Well you got to ask someone else for it, because I'm still on my period." I said and rolled my eyes. "I don't mind blood." he shrugged. I buried my head in my hands. "In other circumstances maybe, but not now and here." I said frustrated.
Someone knocked on the door and yelled "Visitors from Hilltop!" We both got up instantly and get dressed again. Hilltop was going to deliver food to Sanctuary and this probably was it. We rushed outside and met some people that had really come to bringing the food. Only one that I knew was Jesus, although I greeted everyone happily. It was nice to see friendly faces. Everyone took something to carry and we carried quickly all the food and supplies in.

I was sitting with Jesus on the top of stairs drinking whiskey from a cup. "I assume that you are staying at night because it's already dark?" I said. "Yes, if it's okay. Getting here took more time that we assumed, because of the walkers." he answered. "Of course it's okay! And you guys are nice change here. I'll find out where you can sleep. If you want, I believe that you can sleep in the room that I share with Daryl. It would be nice to talk." I suggested. "Are you sharing a room with Daryl?" he asked. I nodded. "Are you sharing a bed?" I nodded again. "Are you... together?" he continued asking curiously. "Ummm, we aren't a couple if that's what you are asking. We are friends. With benefits. Good friends with great benefits." I laughed. "No any chances that he'd be bi?" he asked grinning. I was surprised. "Actually I don't know. Daryl did mention that you are gay, but we haven't really talked about those things. We can try to find it out?" I answered. Jesus was blushing a little. "In what conversation he said that I'm gay?" he asked and I laughed. "I said that you are good looking."

Daryl was fine for Jesus sleeping in our room. We all took more whiskey from the bottle that Jesus had bring. "Where did you get this?" Daryl asked and took a big sip. "I found one Gregory's stashes." "Gregory is the prick?" I rechecked. Both men agreed. "Then I'm drinking this with joy." We were sitting on the floor, bottle in middle of us, talking and drinking some more. It seemed that all of us started to be tipsy. Actually more than tipsy because the bottle was almost empty. I decided to go sitting in Daryl's lap and I kissed him. He kissed me back and then he pulled his head off a little. "Hey, we have company." Daryl said and pointed Jesus. "He won't mind..." I said and kissed Daryl lightly. "... I think he would like to have kiss too." Daryl looked me questioning for a while before he realized. He looked nervous and glanced both of us. I leaned to whispering his ear. "I would like to see that, I think it would be hot." Daryl didn't say anything. He didn't agree to it, but he wasn't saying no either. I kissed Daryl slowly, pushing my tongue in his mouth. He kissed eagerly back. Jesus moved in next to us and placed his face close, and when I kissed Daryl, I pulled my head back and turned his head with my hand towards the other guy. I saw that Daryl did hesitate, but he was heated from our kiss and Jesus took the first step and pressed his lips against Daryl's. Their kiss was fumble at first, until Daryl melted a bit and kissed back. Their kiss did get deeper and I watched it attracted and sit on the floor next to them. Jesus placed his hand on Daryl's chest but Daryl pulled himself out of the kiss. "Sorry... I..." he started. "It's okay." Jesus said softly and smiled. "I'm glad that I did get a good kiss." he added and did sit down leaving space between them. Daryl did rub his face with his hand. I noticed that his trousers were bulging and I leaned closer placing my hand straight against his cock. "And what we should do to this?" I asked smirking. Daryl grunted and looked at me frustrated. I did get up and pulled my shirt off when I stepped to the bed. I removed my bra and I did lay on the bed so that my head was just on the edge the foot of the bed. Daryl looked at me and took a big sip from the whiskey before he did get up. When Daryl started to open his belt, Jesus asked "Can I stay and watch or should I go?" Daryl glance at him. "You can watch if you want. I'm drunk enough." I laughed and nodded to them both. Then I saw Daryl's hard cock released when he took his pants off and I bite my lower lip. Daryl leaned over me and spit on my breasts several times and spread it with his hand. He placed his knees both sides of my head and pushed my breast together with his big hands. He pushed his cock between my breasts groaning and started to fuck. I reached to lick his balls and he moaned. Daryl kept pumping his cock between my boobs and I squeezed my thighs together, I wanted to fuck so much. Suddenly Daryl did get up and pulled me from my armpits so that my head was hanging over the bed. Daryl shoved his cock in my mouth without hesitation and leaned his hand on the bed. He moved his hips thrusting his cock in my throat. My mouth filled with saliva and tried not to gag. I didn't see Jesus because I was concentrating not to choke on the cock, and I didn't see how he looked Daryl admiring and had started to stroking his own cock. Daryl probably was more heated because he knew that he had extra pair of wanting eyes to watching him and he fucked my mouth with no mercy. I tried to keep up and I made some gurgling noises. Daryl pulled his cock out and stayed next to my head and slapped his slimy dick on my mouth and cheek. He kissed me pushing now his tongue in my mouth, stroking his cock fast. Just before he was cumming he stopped kissing and straightened, shooting his load on my face moaning and body tensing. His warm cum landed over my mouth, cheeks and nose. I heard moaning from my other side and I saw how Jesus was staring Daryl. His semen burst out and dripped all over his hand and his body was jerking. He looked beautiful when his long hair was falling on the other side of his head and his big eyes was looking something that he wanted. I turned again my head, still panting, and watched Daryl's reaction. I couldn't read his face but he was looking the other guy. Then he started to put some pants on. "I'll get some towels or something so that you two can clean up." Daryl said and leave the room.

When started to get sleeping, Jesus started to make himself comfortable in the floor. I looked Daryl and the bed that we were in. Daryl nodded. "Hey, you can sleep in bed. It's big enough for all of us." I said. "If it's okay? I don't even snore." he answered. "I'll punch you in you snore." Daryl said and moved his body closer to me to make room. I was surprised, I automatically thought that Jesus would sleep next to me. But I was already on the side of the bed, so that was probably logically easier. And Daryl was drunk and tired. He did turn his back towards Jesus and I turned to be a little spoon against him and closed my eyes. Carefully Jesus did lean his back against Daryl's back.

I did wake up at morning and opened my eyes. Light seemed to be too bright and it hurt my head. I had turned around in my sleep and I was face against Daryl, who was sleeping completely knocked out still. I saw hand leaning on his side and realized that Jesus was spooning him. I remember those first times when I slept next to Daryl and how jumpy he had been, and decided to wake Jesus. I tapped gently his hand and Jesus did carefully peek behind Daryl, grinning because he realized the situation. I said "get up" with out a sound and moved my head towards the floor. He nodded and carefully did get up. I did get up too and we did put our all clothes and gear on without saying anything. Daryl did sleep still, what did surprise me. Usually he did wake up easily. I guess drinking did relax him so that he could sleep one night better, and he did really need and need it. "Sorry to wake you like this, but trust me in this one." I said to Jesus when we were in the place that no one couldn't hear us. He nodded smiling a little melancholy. "We didn't really find out that is he bi or not." Jesus then smirked. I laughed. "Yeah, we didn't. I'm sorry that you didn't get what you wanted." "I did get some of it. Great kiss and sleeping against strong body. Plus all that eye candy. I just wished that he would have taken his shirt off so I could have seen his whole body." he chuckled. I didn't say anything to that because I knew why Daryl had kept his shirt on. "Do you have crush on Daryl?" I asked and he blushed. "I'll take that as an yes." I chuckled.
One of the saviors, handsome guy called Justin, did came to us. "Where's Daryl?" "I'll take care of this." Jesus said to me. "What's the problem?" he asked from Justin and they went away.

Daryl did get up later. "Why didn't you wake me up?" he scoffed. "You needed that. Don't worry, there will be a lot of days that you can't rest." Daryl grunted. He moved nervously. "I guess I was drunk last night." he said. "We all were. Lights have been too bright today. But I know what you mean. Why don't you speak with Jesus, if you want." I said smiling. He shrugged. "Come, they are soon leaving." I leaded Daryl to see Hilltop's visitors. Jesus saw us and walked to meeting us little further from the others. Daryl looked at him and shifted himself nervously. "About last night..." he started but didn't know what to say. "Everything is fine by me. I had fun and it seemed that you did too." Jesus said looking both of us. "I hope that last night doesn't affect to anything in the future?" he said. "No, it doesn't, I'll promise." Jesus smiled. "Let's keep it to ourselves." he added and we agreed. "Well, we are about to leave back." Jesus said and I hugged him. Also Daryl hugged him and I saw how Jesus closed his eyes but opened then fast. "Be safe." Daryl said.

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