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Meera was laying on the thin floor mat in farthest corner of her room clutching her stomach tightly as the pain was worse than she imagined.

She couldn't step out of the room neither she can sleep on the floor.

Meera was on her periods and her mother in law prohibited her from going in the kitchen and temple area or stepping out of her room unnecessaryly.

She even denied Meera to sleep on the bed. She gave Meera very less food, two times a day after everyone had finished their food.

In her mayka, the rules were not so different for periods. She was isolated but she was atleast given proper food there and her mother would take care of cramps.

Here, nobody seemed to bother by her pain.

It's been one & half month to her marriage, she feels detached with the family, like a stranger among them.

Her husband never speaks much,expect the time when he wants her to do any of his work or he needs something from her.

But he wouldn't leave her for a single night, he would take his pleasure from her body. Those sleepless nights would take toll on her next day.

Her husband was frustrated by their dry spell between them because of her periods. She could see it on his face, when at night he couldn't sleep and keep changing his position on bed.

Her mother in law is a Strict lady. She couldn't compromise with mistakes in the household chores.

Meera couldn't understand why she was bitter with her. She would taunt Meera for her mistakes and sometimes blames her parents for their upbringing. But then She thought mother in laws are like that only.

And the worst thing, she would compare Meera with Abhiraj's first wife, gauri. She often says how good gauri was and how Meera couldn't stand at her level.

Not that Meera has any kind of ill feelings of gauri. But, mother in law's words would always remind her that she is not Abhiraj's first choice. She is not the first one in his life.

She wad brought here as an replacement for gauri. That feeling was enough to saddened Meera.

Even Her brother in laws were not very fond of her but they respected her for her position as their brother's wife.

Among them, only one person made her comfortable which wad her sister in law. But she went to her own sasural after few days of Meera's marriage.

As Meera went in the memory lane. She realized how far life has changed.

Being the elder daughter in her family, she was cared and pampered. 'Laddo' her parents called her lovingly.

Now, she is now daughter in law of a respected family. A least care person in here. Nobody bothered if she ate or not. But she had to take care of all. Mistakes were  not allowed for her.

Abhiraj entered in their room, bringing her back from the traces.Meera adjusted herself to sit straight.
He sat on the bed opposite her.

Silence in the room was normal but awkward everytime. He speaks less and she didn't know what to talk with him.

He rubbed his temple with his forefinger and thumb and cleared his throat not looking at her. " How many days are left for you monthly?"

Meera softly replied,"one more day". She was obviously scared.

He sighed in frustration,taking few deep breathes. He removed his kurta and layed on his side keeping her side empty.

She layed back on the mat staring at his naked back. She closed her eyes and rubbed her belly to  lessen the pain in her lower abdomen.


Next Morning, Meera woke up and checked that her bleeding has stopped.

She took a relaxing bath, washed her long hairs and wore a Maroon lehega choli.

She came out of the washroom, dried her hairs, wore her minimal jewelry and filled her partition with vermillion.

Abhiraj was still sleeping. She went out.
Her mother in law was preparing for morning pooja. She made a weird face.

"Bindni,what are you doing here?" She looked pissed off to find her out of the room.

"My periods are over" Meera replied.

"Hmm" she calmed down. Both of them did the Aarti.

After the morning Aarti,"Bindni, clean your room properly. Its impure because of periods."


"And then spread the gangajal all over in the room. Otherwise, for your periods my son will have to suffer bad vibes."She made a annoyed face.

Meera sighed but nodded. She felt herself like a disgust.


It was afternoon, Abhiraj returned home for lunch. He got freshen up.

Meera served him,her mother in law and devars.

After lunch everyone went to take rest.

Meera ate her lunch after they went for resting. Washing the utensilsand cleaning the kitchen, she went to her room.

"Idhaar aa" Abhiraj said as soon as Meera entered their bedroom.

Meera obliged and went near him. He pulled her up on the bed, under him.

He bunched her lehenga in her waist and didn't took him any time to take out her panty.

He put his two long over her nub and clit, she hissed as it was still sensitive.

After a while he pushed his fingers in her pussy and she moaned in pain.

His thumb intruded in her anus, getting another painful moan from her.

He was torturing her both the holes. Next, he took her lips in his, sucking like his life dependent on it. Still thrusting his finger inside her.

When he found wetness gathering in her core, he removed his fingers and detached their lips.

He removed his lowers, wrapped her legs around his waist. And pointed his length on her entrance..

She screamed clutching the pillows , her eyes were shut closed in pain.

He gave her time to adjusted and them started thrusting her mercilessly.

She was trying hard to suppress her painful scream. The after period sex was hard on her as it was to satisfy his wait.

He put his hand inside her choli, kneading her breast at the same time.

He kept her leg on his shoulder to reach the depth inside her hole and pulled her closer by her hairs.

He was being the beast who was denied of his meals for long time. Now, he was talking it all by force. .

He was making all the wait worthy. He was so close to empty inside her.

At the same moment, there was a knock on the door but he was so focused to bother about it.

Meera tried to push him as someone was outside." Ji...someone ..outside." she tried to tell him but he ignored.

But the knock sound grew louder, and his younger brother started calling his name, " bhaisa....bhaisa please come out."

Frustrated he pulled out of her, breathing heavily.

He couldn't reach the pleasure and satisfy himself by the sudden intrusion in their private moment.

The wait of the almost a week remained unfulfilled and he remained unsatisfied.

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