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"You agreed but how will we arrange the amount of dahej. " Meera's mother asked her father.

"Umm...I will have to arrange for our laddo happiness."He replied.

"Wait" Meera's mother went and brought some red boxes . " This are the jewelleries from my wedding. We will make it into new design."

"And this is the savings from the crops we sold this year. We can arrange all the wedding functions  and buy some cattles from this money. " Meera's father showed the money he saved throughout the year.

" But This is not be enough. This money and jewelleries are half of the amount they demanded. They could have asked less dowry." Meera's mother in tension.

"They asked what they felt right,it is very old ritual and we cannot deny them. Let us present this much in the Tilak. I will ask them for sometime to pay the rest of the thing".

" from where will we arrange it later. And what if they don't agree to give us the time." Her mother was concerned .

" agar jarurat padi to aapni Jamin Beech denge"


It's  the Tilak and after two days Meera's wedding. The house was full of guest. Meera's family has decorated their small house with the best of their eminities. They made designs with the white paint and lighted every corners with oil lamps.

Meera was called out as her inlaws were here. She went out in their yard after some of her relatives covered her face with veil.  She was so nervous everytime her inlaws wanted to see her.

She sat in a small stool. When the same old lady who was present that day too, came and put a Tilak on her forehead, did her Aarti. Meera bend and touched her feet.

By now, Meera guessed that this lady must be her mother in law.

She handed meera a beautiful lehenga and some jewelry boxes. That was her wedding outfit.

After that Meera was taken back in her house.

Then, Meera's father did Tilak of the groom and presented the silver and gold jewelleries and cattles he could arrange..

" What is this bhaisa? This is half the amount we decided that day?" The old lady said. She seemed angry.

"Samdhi ji, this is what I could arrange with the short time." Meera's father joined  his hand in front of them.

"But this is cheating Bhaisa. Why did you agreed if you cannot fulfill it?"

" I will pay the rest of the things after the marriage. Please give me some time." Meera's father said helplessly.

"This is unfair" The lady huffed.

"Let it be Maasa. If they are saying then they will pay it after the marriage ". Groom himself interfered .

"But..."Groom showed his palm. And the old lady couldn't utter a word after that.

Abhiraj had a dominating aura. Being the mukhiya of the village, he had habit of making people silent before him. What he said would be the last word. No doubt he helped the people hut he couldn't tolerate inobedience.

His personality was intimidating. In his early thirties, he was 6 feet tall and had a well built body. His moustache was carrying his pride. His eyes hold darkness in them

On the other hand, Meera was a timid, obedient and submissive girl. She was not rebellious.

Soon to be eighteen, Meera had sharp curvy body. Her brown eye held  innocence.  Her wavy black traces reached her waist enchanting her beauty..

Both of them where going to be tied in a sacred relationship called marriage. Not knowing their future will be happily ever after or a life full of ups and downs.

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