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"Bhabhisa, wake up. We arrived" A lady peeped in the doli, making Meera wake up from the slumber.

It was early in the morning. Sun was not fully rised up.

After adjusting her lehenge and veil properly, Meera stepped out of the doli.

She stood beside her husband at the entrance of her new house. She couldn't see much but She realized the floor beneath her feet was of tiles and not of mud like her own house.

Her mother in law did the Aarti of the new wedded couple.

She slowly kicked the rice filled pot. Dipped her feet in the red Alta water and entered the house making red footprints on the white cloth.

" Bhabhisa, come let me take you to your room."The lady approached her.

Meera was taken to her room. " Now you can take off your veil."

Meera did as she said. She was feeling awkward around new people and in new place. She glaced the room. It was bigger than her house.

Furniture was wooden. A big bed in the mid, a dressing table and a wardrobe. A window beside the bed. A small lamps around which will glow in the night.

" ohh! I forgot to introduce myself. I am your nanad , bhabhisa". Meera smiled at her.

"Get fresh and then rest for sometime. We have alot of post wedding rituals to do." She winked at Mee

Meera nodded her head. " Ask me if you need anything." The lady said.

Her sister in law was really warm. Meera felt comfortable around her.


Taking a warm bath, Meera wore a pink lehenga choli which was kept for her on the bed.

Meera dried her hairs and parted them from before tieing it in bun. She filled her hairline with vermillion.

She had mangalsutra in her neck and red choda in her mehandi claded hands. Her sister inlaw gave her a beautiful neckpiece set which was less heavy than her wedding jewelleries but so beautiful.

A traditional nuth a adoring her beauty!

Her sister in law and few other ladies took her to the kitchen.

It was her pheli rasoi. She made kheer. Her mother has strictly made her practice her culinary skills after the marriage was fixed. Though she knew cooking but her mother was adamant as she didn't wanted any complain.

The kheer was served to all the family members and guest who had come for her muh dikhai. They praised her and give her shagun.

Meera was sitting in the middle of the hall. One by one ladies started to come, they peeped in her veil to look at her face, blessed her and gave her gifts.

" wahh! Abhiraj is so lucky. His first wife was beautiful and this second one is even more beautiful. "

"Indeed he is" the ladies were gossiping.

But what caught Meera's attention is first one & second one. What they mean by it? Was her husband already married? Then why did he Married her? Will she have to live with his other wife? Meera was very much bothered by the fact. She was very much anxious but couldn't show anyone.

She couldn't even ask anyone. Her mother has taught her to not question anyone as she is a new bride.


Meera was sitting on the bed hugging her knees with her head covered with the veil.

The lights were dim and the wind was blowing from the open window.

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