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Meera made her sons sleep on their bed which was added in her bedroom after their birth because  Abhiraj, Meera and their three sons won't fit in her bed.

She picked her youngest son in her  arms and placed him on her bed. Her youngest son can't sleep without her. Turning off the lights she was going to change her clothes when she noticed her husband standing at the doorstep.

As their eyes meet,  Abhiraj enter  inside the room, " Meera" He called her name, coming near her. " Ji" she replied, he was staring at her, " do you need anything ??" she asked when she found him looking at her and stress lines appeared on his forehead.

"Come with me" he hold her hand in his broad ones and took her near the window which was giving a serene view of star filled sky and Moon shining brightly among them. He sat on the couch with Meera beside him.

He placed his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. He was staring at her face to find the answers of the questions which are bubbling inside him. " Ji, what happened? Are you having a headache?" she asked him in concern as he was crouching his brows. "I will give you a oil massage..." she stood up to get the oil but he pulled her back.

" My head is not paining " He said. " I just want to have a talk with you". She nodded though it confused her, because he never speaks much with her. " Tu aaj mele me kyu naa ayi?" He cupped her face in his broad palms softly, caressing her cheeks. (Why didn't you came to fair today?)

Meera was shocked. She didn't expect him asking this because he never did in the past seven years. This was not the first time she was left alone to do chores of the house while others enjoyed outside. It's was just the this time someone missed her presence, her children missed her. She thought maybe he heard her talking with the kids.

"Bol na" He said looking in her deep eyes. His eyes were looking at her softly. As he stared at her face, he can see the young girl Meera, who married him without knowing about him, and devoted her life to him. But he was so ignorant to see her sacrifices.

She looked away, she cannot see in those blank eyes for long. She don't have that courage. She felt his hold around her wrist demanding a reply, "Nandu is infant. We cannot take her in crowded place. So, I stayed.." only thing she could made up in her mind.

" You and I, both of us know that this is not the real reason." He interrupted making her shut because he was right.  " why are you asking this things?" She asked him, his sudden questions were scaring her.

"You are my life partner Meera. It's my duty to make sure that you are happy" she closed her eyes, as her heart started beating in speed of thunders. He was knocking on the wall she has creating around to safeguard her heart. It took her so much time to make herself strong enough to bear the fact that her husband doesn't love her and her inlaws doesn't consider her as the  family member.  His changed behavior will give her hope for good life. But she doesn't have strength to get bear heartbreak. She is fearing if he will again break her trust.

" I know you are hesitating  to open up me, all because of ignorance.  Because I didn't put efforts for our relationship and I Ignored your efforts as well. I will gain your trust so that you can confine in me." Abhiraj thought, he noticed her saddened face with the mention of them as life partners. But unknown to Abhiraj it's not just his ignorance that has hurted her but the relevation about their relationship has crushed her soul.
Whatever he does he won't be able to give her seven years of her life back. He has long way to go, to heal her soul. without knowing, will he ever be successful to gaining her trust back?

" Did you have dinner?"  Abhiraj asked out of the blue. Meera just gave a small nod. Without saying anything, he pulled her wrist making her stand up from the couch and picked her up in his arms.

She kept her hands on his chest to balance herself. She thought he will take her to the bed. But he proved her wrong, taking her outside the room. " Ji, why are you taking me out?"She asked, it was dark as they light were off. But his moves were steady.

He stopped in front of the kitchen and kept her down. Opening the door, he light it up. Meera entered after him.
" Make a glass of milk" He told her, clearing the confusion.  He wants to have milk, she thought.

Lightning the stove, she kept the pot to heat the milk.Adding up sugar, cardamom and dry fruits. Abhiraj sat beside her in kitchen, looking at her keenly.

She made it the way he likes to have the milk. She poured the milk in a tall glass. Turning towards him, she forwarded the glass to him. Abhiraj took the glass from her. Looking at her, he brought the glass to her lips,"drink it".

"Ji, I made it for you..." she said, " you didn't eat your dinner, Meera" He said again bring the glass near her lips. "I told you...I had dinner..."

" Keshav brought his friends without informing for dinner. And you didn't have any food left as you were the last one to have dinner. So no more lies...drink it" He spoke sternly, leaving no space for arguments.

He brought it to her lips and she took a sip this time. He noticed that it is the first time she is having something in front of him. Otherwise, He had always seen her serving him and he didn't know when she eats, what she eats.

She took the glass and drink the milk. She was actually hungry. Abhiraj was passing by the kitchen after his dinner, when he saw that she sat to have food, opening the lids she found container empty. Sighing, she drank water and get up to clean the kitchen.

Abhiraj's heart pained, he is the richest one in the village. The leader of the village. What is the use of this power, if his wife had to sleep empty stomach? Many such night would have passed in the past were she slept like this but he didn't notice.

Everyone had their dinner then why only his wife was the one to sacrifice and adjust. She kept the glass aside," Never skip your meals from now onwards"  He said, rubbing the milk of her lips. She nodded timidly.

Both of them head back to their bedroom. Meera changed her clothes and checked upon her children and She layed beside Aditya.

Abhiraj come and layed behind her. She gasped when he brought her closer in his blanket and their body pressed against each other. He roamed his fingers on her bare waist making her suck in a breathe.

He kissed on her shoulder sliding her hairs. He bunched her lehenga upwards and tangled their legs. His one hand went inside her blouse and skillfully fondled her breast in between his fingers.

While his other hand went between her thighs making way towards her wetness. He cupped her pussy, she let a slow moan. Parting her vaginal lips, he rubbed her nub. He loosened the dori of her blouse, sliding it down her shoulder.

Giving sloppy kisses on her back, he inserted his fingers inside in her pussy. She closed her eyes at the invasion at her intimate part. He moved his fingers up and down, making her breathe heavily. Her pussy has made space according to his length throughout this years.

Opening his trouser, he lined up his length against her pussy. Holding her
Half naked body against his, he entered inside her from behind as they lay side  be side to each other.

She pressed her lips close to slow down her moans. She didn't wanted to wake up their kids. When he felt her adjusted, he moved his hips back and forth, pinching her breast from behind.

She arched her back keeping her head on his shoulder. The bed beneath them shaked as he speeded up. Her anklets made the jingling sound as her legs moved with him.

Her harsh breathes encouraged him more. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she felt the pleasure building up in her core. He bite on her earlobe sensually  and gave bites on her neck.

He put more pressure and thrusts speeded up in her core as he was near to cum. Her bangles broke in the instant when he pressed her wrist at her back.

With few more hard thrust, both of them cummed together. He groaned loud. Both of tried to catch their breathes after the intense love making.

" You are taking the birth control medicine right?" Abhiraj asked, " Ji" Meera replied before relaxing in his arms.


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