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The first rays of sun entered in the room making Meera wake up from little sleep she got at night with sore muscles and pain in her body.

She found herself  caged in her husband's arms. Abhiraj was sleeping on his stomach and his hand clutching her waist tightly under the blanket.

Her whole body was sweaty. Her vermillion was smudged and  Hairs disheveled.

She somehow got out of his hold, collected her clothes and went to the washroom to take bath.

As she went,Abhiraj woke up as well. He saw they have messed up the room. The bedsheets were filled with his wife's virgin blood and their orgasm.  A  satisfied smirk on his faceplate that he was the one to conquered her.

He wore his clothes.

Meera came out wearing a yellow red lehenga choli. She started drying her hairs standing in front of the mirror.

Abhiraj was keenly observing her while sitting on the bed. How her long hairs were bouncing at her waists, the water drops were traveling from her neck and vanishing in her cleavage. The red marks clearly visible which he made on her skin.

Here, Meera was conscious about her looks  when she felt his piercing gaze on her.

He wanted to take her again in his arms and make some moments but avoided and went to bathroom for his morning routine. She sighed in relief.

She quickly tucked the dupatta above her chest and over her head, wore vermillion in her hair partition and mangalsutra. She cleaned the room and went outside.


"Bindni, come here and do the pooja" Meera's Mother in law called her as she stepped out. Meera did the pooja and sing the Aarti as well.

"Bindni, now you are the daughter in law of this house,so fulfill your responsibility and take care of my son properly. And cover your face in front of your sasurji or any other male elder than your husband . Samjhi?"

"Ji" Meera replied  meekly.

"Now, give me your wedding jewelleries and the one you wore yesterday.  I will keep it safe in the locker."

Nodding Meera went to her room to bring the jewelleries.

"What is this Maa?why did you asked bhabhisa to bring her jewelleries?" Meera's sister in law asked to her mother.

" so what? Her parents gave half the amount of dahej. You think I will let her grab our family's jewelleries." Meera's mother in law replied.

"But isn't this her family as well. She has a right on this. What will she use now?"

"Shut up. Don't take her side. What will she wear is not our concern."

Meera comeback with the jewelleries in her hand. Her mother in law counted it before keeping it in her wardrobe.

"Bindni, now go and make breakfast."

Meera went to kitchen to make the breakfast.

"Bhabhisa,let me help you." Both started making dishes and her sister in law.

"Do you know about our family, bhabhisa? " Obviously Meera didnt know so Rani, her sister in law started talking about their family.

"We are five siblings bhabhisa. Your husband is the eldest one. And I am the second one then comes your three devars.Though your devars are bigger in age than you."Rani chuckled.

 Meera has someone to talk freely. Though she takes some time to get along with new people.

"Now,tell me about your family" Meera told her about her family. Since Meera was a timid she couldn't speak much.

Like this they completed making the breakfast. Soon, everybody came for breakfast.

Meera pulled her veil till her lips were covered as instructed by her mother in law.
She served everyone and stand aside.

After breakfast was done everyone left one by one for their work.. Meera did her breakfast when her Mother in law asked in the last.

Meera did all the household chores. Her sister helped her as much as possible.


"Didi, can I ask you something ?" Meera asked.

"Ha bhabhisa"

"Who is this lady in the photo?" She pointed towards the photo in the hall. Suddenly Rani's face turned serious. Meera was scared on her reaction, if she asked something wrong.

"Did I said anything...wrong...Didi?" Meera spoke up, " I mean...I haven't.. seen..her yesterday ". Meera clarified herself.

"No...bhabhisa you didn't ask anything wrong" Rani said seeing Meera scared.
"I will tell you".

Rani pulled Meera in her room. " she is Gauri Bhabhisa. Abhiraj bhaisa's first wife."

When Meera heard this, she felt something breaking inside her. Now she knew what those ladies were talking yesterday.

She is his first wife. He is already married and she was not even told about it.

" She got married to Bhaisa when she was a year older than you. They were happy together." Rani smiled remencing the memory" she couldn't conceive for seven years. "

Meera was listening so carefully. This things were effecting her so much.

"she finally conceived after seven years taking so many medications. The day of her delivery, she couldn't survive due to complications neither did her baby could survive" Rani was sobbing now.

Meera herself had tears in her eyes. Being a woman she can feel what Gauri went through. This was so saddening.

"Bhabhisa, Didn't  you know bhaisa was already married?" Rani asked controlling herself.

Meera denied, shaking her head.

"ohh!I know you have right to know this before this marriage but this society doesn't allow. But please don't misunderstand Bhaisa."

Meera looked at her confused.

"After Gauri Bhabhisa's death. Everyone in the family tried to convince bhaisa for remarriage but he didn't agreed. He was alone for three years."

Meera wiped the tears which were escaping her eyes. She was feeling bad for the misfortune Abhiraj has sufferer. He had gone through so much pain.

"Suddenly, he came told the family he wants to marry you. Babasa agreed as he wanted  bhaisa's happiness. He likes you bhabhisa"

"I know you are shocked with the sudden revelation. But give this relationship time and be patient.  Give my bhaisa the happiness he deserves.  Please"

Meera nodded. She was determined. She would give whatever it requires to make this relationship work. Not matter what, she wanted Abhiraj to be happy.

And she wanted to be reason of his happiness!

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