24: Laugh it off

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I was sat on the boat waiting for Kie to come. They could see me as I was hiding. I see JJ and John B run off as I come out and hear Sarah.

"John B, let me out!" Sarah yells hitting the thing. Kie opens it as I come around the corner and wave to the boys.

"Get your asses back here!" Kie yells.

"We can't. Not till you two figure it out." John B yells.

"I will kill every single one of you!" Kie yells.

"Y-You can't just leave!" Sarah states.

"There's food in the cabin, and JJ rolled a blunt. Eve is there so you guys can all be a power trio." Pope yells to us.

"This is ridiculous." Sarah says as she takes off her shorts and jumps into the water.

"Well, I would rather drown than stay here with you, so..." Kie says pissed.

"Fine, be my guest. Maybe you'll finally shut the hell up."

"You don't even know where you're going."

"I don't care." Sarah says as they bicker.

"Good luck with the oyster beds."

"Wait!" Sarah yells swimming after them. "John B, you asshole!" The boys drive away waving.

"They're not coming back for you!" Kie yells.

"Love you, guys! Bye!" JJ yells. If only he loved me...

"I got stung by a jellyfish! Shit!" Sarah says as she screams.

"Dramatic." Kie says.

"Oh please. You would cry." I tell Kie.

"Shit." Sarah says climbing the ladder.

"Well, you swam right into a man-o'-war. Don't know what you thought would happen." Kie states.

"Thanks for your help." Sarah sarcastically says.

"Ow. Shit."

"Does it hurt?" Kie asks.

"Hey, Kiara. You know what they say..." Sarah says looking at her.

"No. Mm-mm." She states. Sarah then looks to me.

"Nope. I love you but no." I say shaking my head no.

"You have to pee on me."

"I have a better idea." Kie says going into the boat and grabbing the blunts.

"It's for the pain." She says handing Sarah the blunt.

"JJ, bless." Sarah states. Kie goes to hand her the blunt but then takes it back.


"Really?" I ask.

"Go easy. It's JJ's cousin's Cripple." She says handing it to her as we all take turns smoking it. Sarah starts coughing as sue hands it to me.

"Yeah. Wow." Sarah says.

"Hey, guess what?" Sarah says as she's beyond high. "Would you rather... have... I was imagining you like this just now. It was pretty funny. Would you ima... would you rather... have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples?" She asks as we look at her confused. "Imagine if you get really old and your nipples.. Your boobs get saggy, and your nipples if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied."

"Is this like your first time smoking or something?" Kie asks her.

"Yeah." I say.

"No." Sarah says.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now