50: Friends

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"You sure you know nothing?" Rafe asks me.

"Positive." I say.

"Look," He starts before I cut him off.

"I don't wanna hear it Rafe." I say as I quickly turn around and start knocking on the window to get the guards attention. "I need to talk to Mr. Singh." I say as the guard looks at me weird. "Hey, go get Mr. Singh."

"What are you doing?" Rafe asks confused

"Hey, you! I need to talk to Mr. Singh." I say continuing to knock on the window.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Hey. What are you doing?" Rafe says trying to get me to stop.

"Like I owe you an explanation. This guard is being a total dick." I say walking around Rafe,

"Think for a second! Eve, what are you doing?" Rafe says not following after me.

"Hello?" I say knocking on the door now.

"Hey! What're you doing?" Rafe says grabbing me to get me to stop.

"Don't talk to me!" I yell at him.

"You're lying about this diary thing. You know where it is." Rafe says standing infront of me now.

"No, I don't." I say looking at him. All I can think about is what he said to Ms, Limbrey and her dog. He said he was in love with me.

How can the person I hate the most be in love with me?

"You don't? Okay." He says annoyed with me. "Okay, listen, I wouldn't tell me either. But he's never gonna believe we don't know something, all right? Singh killed that..."

"Shut up!" I yell at him.

"Look around, Eve. I'm the only friend you got." He tells me. I look into those blue eyes and see the person he always promised me he would become.

Maybe he did change. Maybe he stuck with his promise. But he hasn't showed me he has. So I have no reason to forgive him yet.

Suddenly the door opens as the guard walks in.
"Hey. I need to talk to Mr. Singh. I have something to tell him. It's urgent." I tell the guard.

"Yes." The guard says as we walk out.

I walk into his office as he looks at me. "I lied. I know about the diary. I don't have the original. But I can get you a copy." I tell the man.

"I'm relieved to hear you say that, you know. May I offer you something to eat?" He kindly asks. No way in hell am I eating anything he gives me.

"I'm not hungry." I state.

"Relax. Nothing's gonna happen to you now. You're cooperating, and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, you know." He tells me.

" I just want to get you what you want,and then I want to leave. Look, I know where it is. But I have to go by myself. Alone." I tell him.

"But how would I know that you'd come back?You know, I need some collateral." He tells me. I feel so bad for doing this but he kinda deserves it.

"Rafe's here. Keep him." I say just wanting to leave. No way in hell was I giving him the diary.

"Rafe. How did someone so young get into so much trouble?" He asks walking closer to me.

"Look, I know where the diary is, and if you let me go, I promise you I can get it to you." I tell him.

"You know, I built this fortune myself, you know, from nothing. From absolutely nothing. Do you know how that happened, Miss Tiara? Hmm? I can assure you it was not by being a fool. Don't waste my time. The diary holds the key to the ultimate conquest, and that, my young friend, Miss Tiara, is my destiny. So you need to tell me where it is,or I'm gonna..." He then gets cut off by his phone buzzing. "Amazing. A text from our friend Jimmy Portis. From beyond the grave, apparently. It seems Mr. Portis has captured your friends." He then shows me a picture of John B and Sarah. He then gets Ryan to bring me back up to the room.

Oh shit.

"Mr. Singh, Mr. Singh, please... Please don't hurt my friends! Please! Please! Please! Please don't hurt them!" I say trying to get the out of the man's grip,

"That depends, Ms. Tiara. We'll continue our chat later. I look forward to it, you know." He says as I get shoved into the room. I sit on the bed and think of something.


"What happened?" Rafe asks me. "You're gonna have to talk to me at some point. Okay?"

"Do I have to remind you of everything you've done?" I ask looking up at him. "You killed Peterkin. Do you remember that? And everything you've put Sarah through. Everything you put me through during the relationship." I tell him reminding him of everything.

"Peterkin, I was protecting my father. Okay? I did what I had to, so... don't. I'm as much a victim as she is. No? Think about it. Okay? What did I get from shooting Peterkin, huh? Nothing. Okay? I had nothing against her. I mean, I... I... I liked her. You think I wanted to make that choice, huh? What I did was a gift from me to my father for... for him, and I got screwed because of it, okay? So don't get that look when I say I'm a victim, all right? I am!" He says having a break down.

"And what about me?" I ask standing up with tears in my eyes.

"I fucked up big time with you Eve. That was all my fault. And I regret it every day. God damnit. Eve I'm in love with you! I know that you love JJ. But I don't think I'll ever get over you. Evelyn Tiara, I am in love with you." He says walking closer to me. Our faces are inches apart. "And we all know damn well he likes Kie. So don't tell me that everyone is good with him."

"JJ treats me right. Well treated." I say sadly. "He treated me better than you ever did. You abused me Rafe. You were a shit boyfriend."

"Treated?" Rafe says to himself. "Obviously if it ended then maybe he wasn't the greatest either." He tell me.

"JJ never abused me! Our whole relationship was just to keep our dads happy!" I yell at him tears in my eyes.

"I just lose control in moments like that, and I don't know what happened. I'm trying... I'm trying to get better." He tells me letting some tears fall. "I'm keeping our promise. I'm getting better for you."

That was my breaking point. I let the tears fall out if my eyes. "We broke up cause he picked Kie over me." I say quietly. He lays down on the bed next to me as we stare at the ceiling.

"That was a stupid decision." Rafe says not looking at me.

"I know." I say laughing a little.

"I'm really sorry for everything." Rafe says quietly.

"I forgive you. I know you can be better. I think you forget that I know you. I mean, you were my first real friend. And boyfriend for that fact. I'm also sorry I cheated on you with your bestfriend." I apologize.

"Yea, that was a dick move of you to do." He says looking at me with a small smile.

"I don't forgive you for Killing Peterkin and for all the shit you did to Sarah though." I tell him looking over at him.

"That was a total bad move. It sucks cause, Ward and Johnathan still treat me like shit. They think their so amazing. When I'm reality their ruined our lives." He rambles.

"They did ruin them didnt they?" I ask.

"Yea, yea they did." He says looking back up at the ceiling.

"You just have to find people who can fix you again. I found Sarah, JJ, and Barry." I say smiling ti myself.

"Your still friends with Sarah?" He asks me.

"Fuck yea." I say looking at him as he looks at me. "Sarah's my bestfriend. I would be fucked if I didn't have her."

"Enough of the sad shit. Let's get the fuck out of here together." He says sitting up.

"Fuck yea." I say sitting up to.

"Friends?" He asks hopefully.

"Fine. Only if you promise to keep getting better." I tell him.

"Promise." He says.

1419 words. I don't know if I like that they friends again. Also! We get Sarah and Eves season 1 friend ship bond navk!! I'm so excited!

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now