54: My Idiot

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"Five Kildare teens who went missing nearly six weeks ago are now reported alive, safe,and back on Kildare Island. Now a live update from the sheriff's department." The news lady says as I sit and listen to it on the radio with Barry.

"Yeah, after six weeks, the five teens that had been missing from Kildare County have returned,been reunited with their families. We're still waiting for details about their journey, but I'm sure they have quite a tale to tell. We also got word that the father of one of the teens, John B Routledge, who's been presumed dead for a year now, has also returned alive and well. Also the disappearance of Jackie Wilson who has been presumed dead for 5 years now has also returned home alive and well. Wonders never cease. Right now, we're just trying to get those kids settled back into school, with their families. They've been through a lot." Shoupe says.

"The teens were down in the Caribbean with another Kildare teen, Sarah Cameron, the daughter of disgraced real estate magnate, Ward Cameron, who confessed to the murder of Sheriff Peterkin two months ago. All the teens back, safe and sound on Kildare Island, John Routledge and Jackie Wilson back from the dead. That's about as good as a result as we could hope for." The reporter says.

"When I went back to Tannyhill, Rafe was on the phone with Ward, and he just kept saying,
"My thing, this is my thing."" Sarah tells us as we are all at the chateau.

"He had to be talking about the cross." I state.

"Absolutely." Pope says agreeing.

"And he's coming into Wilmington tonight at eight o'clock. It's being shipped by train to Raleigh from there, but this is our chance to get it back." Sarah tells us with hope.

"You get any other information?" Pope asks.

"Uh, Sarah got the cargo number." I say holding up the piece of paper.

"Okay, well, that's a start." Pope says as we all think of a plan.

"They're definitely fencing that shit off as we speak. So we should probably get a move on." JJ states.

"Sarah, you hear from John B?" Pope asks.

"No, I mean, he's probably off somewhere with his dad." Sarah says.

"And my aunt." I state. It makes me kinda upset. It's like my aunt didn't even miss me.

"But the problem is they have the Twinkie." Sarah says.

"Our transportation." Pope says as realization hits him. "I could ask Heyward for the truck."

"Uh, what? Yeah, that's gonna go well." JJ sarcastically says.

"I know, but we have no other options." Pope says as we all look at eachother.

Pope and Cleo went to go tell Heyward and ask for the truck, Sarah is god knows where, JJ and Kie went to go tell Kies parents and I'm off to Barry's to tell him.

"Hey kid." Barry says as I walk through the door.

"Uhm, hey. I have a question." I say as I slowly go sit down on the couch next to him. He sets down his book and looks at me confused.

"What is it?"

"Can I go to Wilmington tonight? The cross is gonna be there and it's our last chance to get it. Please Barry." I say as he sits for a moment to think.

"JJ gonna be there?" He asks as I shake my head yes. "What about Sarah?" He asks again as I shake my head yes. "Even Pope?" He asks. I shake my head yes to that to. "Sure, you can go." He says as I smile and hug him.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now