52: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

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"So this is what we're doing, huh? We're just sailing out. We're just gonna forget about John B? We should never have left him. We're turning back." JJ says not liking this one bit.

"No! We're all gonna get caught. What type of plan is that?" Cleo stops him.

"It's a plan to stick together, Cleo." JJ states.

"Then we are dead together." She says.

"She's right. We had to leave, or we'd all be zip-tied in the back of a pickup." I tell him looking up from the ground.

"We did the right thing." Kie comments.

"Who's that?" JJ asks as a phone starts ringing.

"It's Portis." Kie says picking up the phone.

"Portis? That's John B.That's definitely John B. Hold on." JJ says as he grabs the phone and picks up. "Yo! Dude! Is this you?"

"Speaker. Speaker." Kie comments as he puts the phone on speaker.

"What... Do you need us to turn around?" JJ asks. "Yo, say it again. Say it again."

"I said don't worry about me, okay? Look, it's way too hot here. You gotta get out of here. Go back to OBX." John B says but it keeps glitching.

"We do not copy. Can you..." JJ says.

"Let me talk to him." Sarah says grabbing the phone as we all follow to her. "John B?"

"Sarah..." John B says as it then cuts out.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks.

"Everything's good. Listen." John B says.

"He's fine. Thank God. What happened?" Sarah informs us before walking back over to me.

"I dad. alive." He says as it keeps cutting out.

I, dad, alive.

Dad alive.

Holy shit.

"Wait. What'd you say?" Sarah asks confused as its keeps glitching and we don't get a response. "I... I can't hear you." She says as the phone then cuts out.

"Sarah," I say.

"Kildare, when?" Sarah asks as it then completely stops.

"Kildare. What the hell?" JJ comments.

"You guys think he found his father?" Cleo questions.

"He's been missing for almost a year." Pope states.

"He said I, dad, alive. What if," I start as it hits me. "What if he's alive?" I ask them worried.

"Should we go back?" Kie asks worried.

"Sarah... We're sitting ducks. We need to make a decision. Are we turning back around, or are we gonna keep going?" JJ asks her.

"Sarah, come on! Sarah, we need to make a decision!" Kie says.

"He said go." Sarah says not wanting to go but knowing it's what's best.

I'm standing right infront of Kie. Our faces are inches apart as I see her eyes land on my lips.

"You know, whatever happens, we're gonna handle it together. Like we always do." Kie tells me looking into my eyes.

"Kie." I say as we start getting closer.

I walk up the stairs with Pope as we stop once we see JJ and Kie's faces inches apart. I quickly and quietly walk down the stairs as Pope follows me.

I quickly step back from Kie as she looks at my confused. "It's just, Eve." I say slowly.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now