33: We Dont Have A Sex Life

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"If this guy flew planes for Ward, he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Pope says as we are all on Kies car.

"So then direct approach gets my vote." JJ says loading his gun.

"JJ, no." Pope says.

"No. What?" Kie says shocked.

"Put the g*n down, man." Pope adds.

"Guys!  We gotta keep this simple, or we'll never get John B off." JJ says arguing.

"Or we just tickle the wire." Pope says holding up his AirPods.

"What?" Kie asks.

"We tickle the wire." I say smiling.

"I plant my phone in his car,  and then we listen in on your AirPods." Pope says as he sets it up. "Say something." He says putting the speaker of the phone to Kies mouth.

"Something." She says keeping her eyes on the road.

"Something." Kies voice says over the recording.

"Okay, we have audio." Pope says.

"I think that's his house over there." Pope says as we pull over to the opposite side. "All right, honk  or, uh... or yell or something if you see anything suspicious."

"Don't do anything dangerous." Kie tells him.

"Come on. I'm not JJ."

"Funny, Pope." JJ says.

We sit in the car until JJ starts talking. "How's it been going, you know, with Pope and all?"

"It's good." Kie says.

"It's good? All right.  In the bedroom, is he, like, kinda freaky, 'cause it's Pope, you know?" JJ asks as I look at him with wide eyes.

"Why are you asking?" She says confused looking back at him.

"I don't know. Just kinda curious.  Just spitballing here."

"You don't need to spitball.  We could sit in silence." Kie says looking back out the window.

"Ranking-wise--" JJ says still asking.

"Oh, you're still asking?" She asks looking back at him again as I hold back a laugh.

"Yeah, I was just curious."

"You're still curious."

"Is John B better?" JJ asks as I laugh.

"What?" Kie asks shocked.


"Would you like me to ask about you're sex life?" She asks him.

"No." I say.

"I'd say pretty good." JJ states shrugging his shoulders.

I look at him confused. We don't have a sex life, so who has he been having a good sex life with?

"What?" I question him shocked.

He shakes his head no at me. "I'm lying." He whispers to me as I roll my eyes at him.

Kie looks away as we are all sitting here awkwardly as Pope gets into the car.

"Okay. Phase one is complete.  Everything-- Are we all good?" Pope asks looking at all of us.

"Why does she get to tickle?" JJ asks.

"She's the best." Pope answers.

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