31: This isnt over

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We decided to sleep at the Wreck last night. Something happened with Kie and Pope. It was obvious. It was also really awkward. I wake up and see JJ and Pope looking outside. I then hear Kie start talking. I can't hear what she said but I know she's said something. I run my eyes and sit up.

"Worst sleep ever." I say as they all look at me.

"Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." Pope says to JJ and he then exits. I see that I woke up at a bad timing. I then see Kie leave and go after Pope. I look at JJ confused.

"I think they kissed." JJ states.

"No, Kie wouldn't be acting like this. I know her and I have a feeling she turned him down. I know she likes him. Maybe just wrong timing." I say almost like a question.

"Maybe." JJ says.

"He's still out there you know." I tell JJ noticing that he's worried.

"Yea. You can never kill a Pogue." He says slightly smiling.

I get up and walk to him. I softly kiss his cheek and out a hand in his shoulder. "It will be alright. We will clear his name eventually."

He looks at me and kisses me on the lips. "We should probably go check on the fighting situation ship."

"Yea. They might kill eachother." I say as we exit. I see Pope driving away on JJs bike. I the hear the sound of a helicopter and look up to see one flying over us.

"Who the hell is that?" JJ asks.

"Uhm," I say as we pack up their food. "I'll meet you guys at the dock at three okay?"

"Where are you going?" JJ asks me.

"I need to see Barry. I know Rafe went to me. And I need to make sure he's okay."

"Fine. Just be safe." JJ says grabbing my hand.

"Yea. I'm always safe." I say smiling. I then start walking home.

"Barry?!" I yell once I get into the house. I see him on the couch watching TV.

"Heard about John B." He says as he pats next to him on the couch. I go and sit by him and listen to what he has to say. "Know I've met that boy once. He's a good kid. So who actually shot Peterkin cause I got a feeling you were there."

"Rafe. Rafe shot Peterkin and Ward killed my dad Barry."

"Ward killed Big John?" Barry asks me confused.

"Yes. Yes and they blamed it on John B and now we're trying to get him off the island." I say as tears form in my eyes. "And I tried to talk to Rafe and then he brought me to the middle of no where and he slapped me and he needs help and then I ran." I say not sobbing. Barry pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay." He says rubbing my back. "That Maybank kid beat him up?"

"No." I say laughing slightly. "But he told me he's in love with me."

"Shit kid." Barry says letting go of me and now looking at me. "What you crying for. You got a hot lady's man saying he's in love with you."

I laugh at Barry and his stupidity. And now that I'm really thinking about it. How the hell is JJ mother fucking Maybank in love with lil broken me.

"How is he in love with me Barry?" I ask him.

"Kid. Why wouldn't he be. You've been there for him his whole life, you're nice, a smart ass, funny, and you will do anything for any of them."

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now