2: Dumb Fucks

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Hurricane Agatha, ah perfect time to surf. I grabbed my surf board and went to my secret surf spot. I look to my right and see 2 people already out their surfing. Weird? Wait a minute.

Fucking Pope and JB.

I can recognize Popes hot bod from anywhere. I quickly get on my board and go to surf the waves. I look out to the ocean to see the waves- shit is that a boat!? I look to my right again to see if the boys see it to when Popes pointing to me.


I quickly go to shore and run home.

I quietly walk up the stairs and peak through the window. I don't see anyone so I quietly open the door and walk through. That's when I see it.

Of course I see lots of things. Beer bottles, cigarettes, garbage, pizza boxes, drugs. But I see something I don't normally see. An eviction notice on the table. My heart drops. I slowly walk up to it and read it.

I have until tomorrow until all my shit is at the junkyard. Yay me.

Where am I going to go? My aunt is gone, my friends have no idea about my personal life. They will know I lied. I can't have that happen. I then put the paper down. I carefully walk down the small narrow hallway to my room.

*door creak*

"Holy shit!" I whisper gasp. I look behind me and see a random man.

"Hey, I'm just gonna go...... nice meeting you." The man says as he wraps his clothes around himself and walks out the front door.

After that awkward conversation. Let me rephrase that. After that awkward one sided conversation, I turn around and walk into my room. I grab a bag and start throwing all my stuff in it.

Where am I going to go?

What will my parents do to me when they find out I wasn't on time?

Will I have to buy a new house?

What if the business goes downhill?

What if Ward cuts me? Wait, he can't fucking cut me. He works for me! Maybe I will start paying him less.

That when it hits me...... I'm all on my own. My back slides down the wall and tears start to form.

I'm homeless.....

I then get up wipe my tears and dust me off. Better find shelter. I grab my bag and rain coat and open my window to hop out. I start leaving druggie land when I hear my name.

"Eve!" I hear a distant man yell out.

"Who is that?" I yell back.

"Barry! It's Barry!" He then comes into view.

"What are you doing? There's a storm." I yell to him sense it's hard to hear from all the rain and wind.

"No shit! What are you doing out here!?"

"Got kicked out! I'm trying to find shelter!" I say wiping my eyes from all the rain.

"Stay at mine! I mean I work for you anyway, it's the least I could do!"

I sit there for a second debating. He's a drug dealer, probably hiding from the cops, he could murder me. "Sure." I end up saying.

I then start following him to he's trailer. It's sketchy if I'm being honest but, it's better than the streets.

"Just a heads up." I say as we are now inside. "I will most likely never be home. So have as many people as you want over, don't have to worry about me." I say as he hands me a towel.

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