60: The End

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"Pope!" JJ yells as we see them.

"JJ! Shut up! You are so stupid!" I yell at him as I run up the hill and hug Cleo.

"How did you?" Pope asks confused.

"I think I would know when Cleo stoped being a pussy." I say with a smile looking at the two.

"I am not a pussy." Cleo argues.

"My favorite couple." I say slinging my arms around their shoulders.

"You are so annoying, you know that right." Pope asks following me as we continue waking.

"You love me." I say patting his shoulder.

"All right, so, what are we gonna do?" Pope asks as we see Ward and Johnathan each pointing a gun at the four.

"Is this ride or die?" JJ asks.

"P4L." Cleo says taking out her machete.

"P4L." I say taking out my machete.

"P4L." JJ says doing the same.

"Fricking P4L." Kie says grabbing hers.

"P4L." Pope says taking his.

"You're supposed to be d*ad. I think I liked you better that way." Ward says. He cocks the gun as we all run out and aim the machete at Ward and Johnathan.

"Stay back! Stop right now!" JJ yells.

"Put it down!" Cleo yells.

"Come on! You're outnumbered." I yell after everyone quiet downs a bit.

"What are you gonna do, shoot us all?" Pope asks as he keeps pointing the gun at everyone.

"If you gotta shoot somebody, Ward, shoot me." Big John says.

"Or me." John B says walking up to the gun.

"John B stand back." Jackie says.

"Shoot me dad. Already shot your wife. Might as well murder your kid to." I say as he looks at me.

"What?" Johnathan and Jackie say.

"Stop." Sarah says standing in front of Ward. "Enough. You're not gonna kill all of us. I know you won't. I know you. You forget that I know you." Ward lowers the gun as tears fall from his eyes.

"I couldn't. I couldn't do it." Ward cry's.

"Yeah? Well, I can." One of the guys after us says.

John B aims a gun at him as he aims it at Big John.

"Toss it." He says.

"Take it easy, bud. Your boss is dead. You got no reason to do this." Big John says. He's way to calm having a gun to his head.

"I can think of a few reasons. Toss it!" The guy says as John B drops the gun. "Thought you'd end up with the gold, eh? All right, nobody move. My mate back there is dead. Because of you." The guy aims the gun at Sarah.

"J." I say as I see him getting ready to just go for it.

"You go first." He says.

"No." Ward says as he tackles the guy causing him to shoot Ward.

They both go off the cliff as our eyes go wide.

We look over the edge as I look over and see Sarah crying.

"Hey. Big John? Big John?" Jackie says as he closes his eyes. John B rushes over and try's to get him awake.

"Okay, Dad, we gotta get you out of here." John B says as they pick him up.

"Not so fast." Johnathan says aiming the gun at us. "Maybe I should kill you." He says now aiming the gun at me.

"I swear to god Johnathan." Jackie says standing infront of me. "Leave her alone, she's gone through enough.

I feel Sarah hand me the gun as I take it and point it at my dad.

"You wouldn't. Didn't have the guts to kill Big John, don't got the guts to kill me." He says.

"I'm sorry." I say as tears fall out of my eyes. I shoot the gun as it gets him right in the stomach. He shoots once as he goes down the cliff like Ward and the guard.

I look over and see Jackie fall over. "Go!" I shout at John B and Pope. Sarah John B and Pope start walking as I lean down my Jackie.

"I'm sorry baby." She says before handing me the gun. "Please. Please just do it." She says tears in her eyes.

"No." I say shaking my head no.

"Please just do it." She says as Cleo and Kie start following the others.

"I can't." I say a sob escaping my lips.

"I'm sorry baby. I love you." She says as she takes the gun and shoots herself.

"No!" I yell as JJ puts my face into his chest hugging me.

"We have to go, come on." JJ says as I wipe my tears and quickly follow the others.

"Bird, you got to hang on to this one." Big John says as we are all on the boat. "I know that I wasn't any great shakes as a father."

"Stop, Dad." John B says.

"But you... You were the best son any man could hope for. And you." He says turning to me. "I'm sorry I didn't step up and take the role I was supposed to be. You were the best daughter ever." He says as tears escape from my eyes. "I want you to know that..."

"You can tell me when we get home, okay?" John B says. "Almost there. Hold up. Look, Dad. Look." He grabs the gold they found. "We did it. You did it."

"I'll see you. I'll see you at home, kid." He says as he shuts his eyes.

"Dad? Dad?" John B says as tears fall from his eyes.

"An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a women Jackie Wilson and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals, who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals failed. Today, we come together
to celebrate these teens, friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this -year-old mystery. Let's hear it for them!" The mayor says as the crowd cheers.

We all stand up and bow. We walk off the stage as I pull JJ aside.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yea, yea I'm okay." I say smiling at him.

"Why'd you?" He asks as I kiss him.

"Will you marry me?" I ask him scrunching my nose with a smile.

"Yes." He says with a smile as he picks me up and kisses me.

1055 words! And the story is done!

And fyi to make y'all cry.

Barry will be the one to walk her down the isle.

Thank you so much for all the support!

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now