Act 3

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From the very beginning, it was always Kooks
and Pogues.

Some people with everything. And some with nothing.

That's the way it's always been. And that's how they wanna keep it.

Some people make the best of it. And some people fight against it.

The Merchant gold was a part of that. For my father, brother and me the treasure was our way out.

How we evened the scales. How the Pogues win.

But at some point... you kind of have to wonder......was the treasure an escape?

Or was it a trap?

It hurts every day to know that my parents lied to me.

They are still out there and I'm stuck on an island.

I wonder is Barry is happy im finally gone. Maybe lots of people are happy...

It also hurts on the island though to.

Everyday I see a boat and think that my dad and Ward are gonna get us.


When JJ and Kie are constantly flirting. Someone who claimed to be in love with me is flirting with the person he told me not to worry about.

Cleo and I have got really close. I filled her in on everything. She says that I don't need a boy, but she doesn't understand that JJ is everything to me.

It's so obvious she has a crush on Pope. So I confronted her. And she said he's not bad. Her, Sarah and I always talk. We're like a trio. We would be a girl group but Kie is to busy with JJ.

John B and Pope have even talked to me about JJ and Kie. John B told me that he said he doesn't like Kie but he thinks JJ is lying.

It's all bullshit.

But that's just life on the island.

We all know it's not over.

I don't care that they are my parents.

They deserve everything that's coming after them.

225 words! And here's to act three!

Eve is in her revenge era

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now