56: Lies and Jealousy

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Last night I decided to stay behind and not go with the boys. I needed to figure things out here. I needed to talk to Pope, Sarah, Cleo. And Kie.

I decide to go to a local breakfast place to get something to eat.

I walk in and lean against the counter. I look over at a familiar voice as I see Sarah and Topper.

I get the stuff Barry needed and walk down to the boat my mom had left at the house. I out the bag in the back of the boat as I hear Sarah following me.

"Topper and I were getting breakfast." Sarah says explaining. "That's it. You should join if you want to."

"Breakfast?" I question. "Sarah, I know what it's like. And it's a horrible thing." I tell her. I know she either cheated or was going to cheat. John B was my brother. This would hurt him.

"Yeah, breakfast." Sarah says as I see Topper.

"Yo, Eve!" He says with a smile.

"Yo, Top." I say mocking him.

"I had nowhere to go last night. Cleo's at Pope's. I couldn't find JJ. John B and I got into, like, a thing. Kies parents wouldn't let me and I couldn't find you." Sarah whispers to me. "I'm... He found me and took me to Mase with a group of people."

"Okay, so you bring him to the Middle of the Island Restaurant on a Saturday?" I whisper back.

"Eve! What's up? Random, right?" Toper say's finally walking up to us.

"Look, I'm just gonna go." I say pointing behind me tk the boat. "So I don't want to impose."

"You know what? I'm gonna go too." Sarah says quickly as she gets on my boat.

"Wait. Wait, what? Our food literally just came out." Topper says confused. "How are you gonna smother your hunger?"

That was so cringe. Sarah awkwardly laughs.

"I'm going with Eve. But thank you. I'm gonna call you." Sarah says as I start the boat. "Drive!" She whispers in my ear as I start driving as she waves.

"All right, Sarah. It's time to come clean." I say as we sun bathe on my boat in the middle of the marsh. "What happened? You and Topper?"

"Oh God! It's actually so embarrassing. He caught me slugging beer at the Tiki Bar." She admits.

"You weren't." I say looking over at her and laughing.

"Yeah. shot drinking."

"I'm not judging." I say smiling. "I wouldn't blame you if you were."

"And then a couple kids from KCD rolled up, and they were already going to Mase. And then... I kissed him." She slowly admits. "Do you hate me?"

"Hate's the wrong word." I say looking at her. "I cheated on Rafe. And I did it for a good reason, it wasn't love. I'm assuming you did it cause you wanted to be back to normal. I don't hate you Sarah, I could never hate you." I say as she tightly hugs me. "So you and John B are just done?"

"No. Well, I don't know. I don't want to be. Like since the island, everything has felt so... abnormal, and it just felt nice to feel something normal again. And I, like... I'm a mess. I feel like such a mess." She says sad.

"I think we're all a little messed up." I tell her.

"Enough about me. Where were you?" She asks looking at me. I don't dare to her. "Spill, your blushing." She says with a huge smile.

"In JJ's bed." I say looking at her as she squeals.

"Your joking! Oh my god!" She says freaking out.

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