53: I want to be hers

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"John B?" I say walking up to the house.

Yesterday we got off the boat and I haven't been home sense. I know I should go see Barry but I just can't bring myself to do it. So I'm at the chateau to ask John B for help.

"John B?" I say walking out back. I stop in my tracks as I see Sarah and Big John hugging. "Holy shit."

Tears fall out of my eyes as he leaves Sarah and hugs me.

"I thought, I thought you died." I say crying into his shoulder.

"Cant get rid of my that easily." He responds with a small smile. I pull away and look at a confused John B.

"What are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"I just. I haven't been home and I don't know what to do." I say remembering why I came here.

"You haven't been home?" Sarah asks confused.

"Barry misses you." I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

My heart drops.

I quickly turns around and see the person I miss most.

Aunt Jackie.

I run up to her and hug her as she hugs me back. "Oh my god." I say sobbing into her shoulder.

"I missed you so much my sweet baby girl." Jackie says into my shoulder. "You have to go talk to Barry." She says.

"And JJ." John B adds. "Sarah told me about it."

"I'll go talk to Barry. Not JJ." I say quietly.

"Barry told me everything. That boy loves you." Jackie says with a small smile.

"You talked to Barry?" I ask confused.

"Yea. He doesn't know you're alive, yet. He's not doing the greatest." She says sadly.

"Uhm, I'm gonna go see him." I say as I start walking home.

I take a deep breath in as I stand outside Barry's house. I walk up to the house and open the door.

"I'm not selling today!" I hear Barry yell. I fully walk in and he looks at me in shock. Tears form in both our eyes as he quickly gets off the couch and picks me up.

"Don't leave me ever again." He says as I feel him cry. We both hug eachother while crying.

"I missed you so much." I say crying.

"I knew Jackie was alive but I never expected you to walk through this damn door." He says still crying.

"I missed her so much. But I missed you way more. I don't even know what ti do. I lost everyone Barry. My parents, Jackie, you, and JJ." I say crying.

"You got me and Jackie back." He says as he finally lets me go. "And JJ will come around. He's kinda pussy whipped." Barry jokes as I laugh.

"I've missed you so much. But there's other people I need to see. I'll catch up later." I say as I leave the house.

"I love you! Come back tonight!" He yells as I leave.

"I love you!" I yell.

I walk to the back of JJ's house and see Kie and JJ really close to eachother. Again. They hear me as they quickly look at me. "Uhm, I'm gonna." I say pointing behind me as I quickly turn around and walk away.

"Eve! Wait!" JJ says starting to walk after me. "Eve please stop!" He says as we are now in front of his house. I stop and turn around as he walks up to me. "Just let me explain."

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now