57: Eye Fucking

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"It's something about the dude's face, you know? Like the whole, "No hard feelings, bro."
You know what I'm saying?" John B says as JJ has his arm around me on the couch.

""No hard feelings." It's kinda hard not to have hard feelings about that." JJ states agreeing with him.

"It's just that... that look. That Kook look, you know?" John B says still mad about the whole situation.

"It was clear "provucation."" JJ says.

"Provocation." I correct him.

"Provocation, and, uh, I mean, you had to do what you had to do. No choice about it." JJ says to try and get him to shut up.

"Thank you. No choice. We gotta figure out a plan to get to South America, like, yesterday. They've got my dad. They also got Jackie." John B says.

"I'd rather just save your dad." I mumble as JJ gives me a look.

"You have any food real quick, though?" JJ asks.

"So I was thinking passports. We don't have those. Therefore, we can't fly commercial. We need other ideas." John B says as we follow him into the kitchen.

"Okay, well, don't you got the money that you took from Portis?" JJ suggests.

"I gave that to my dad." John B say's sniffing food he found in the fridge.

"So then what about a boat?" JJ suggests. "If we got a boat, maybe we could get down there 'cause the HMS... Yeah, you know about the HMS. Oh, Limbrey! Limbrey has a boat! What if we took that one down?" JJ says as he grabs the food John B had just sniffed and quickly put it back. I notice JJ take a big bite out of it.

"Yeah. She took that back. And the HMS is not gonna make it down to the Port of Spain, so out on the boats." John B says as JJ continues eating the expired food.

"So what you're saying is, we don't got any money, and we also don't have a boat that can make it to South America." JJ sums up.

"I'm never kissing you again." I whisper into JJ's ear. That food is expired and he's eating it. Gross.

"Unbelievable." John B mumbles.

"Actually, I might know a guy. I'm onto something!" JJ says as John B quickly grabs my hand and pushes me down,

"Uh-oh." John B says as I peak up and see cops.

"You don't start with, "Uh-oh," dude. You're so negative." JJ says still not noticing.

"Get down! Shoupe is out front right now!" I whisper yell at him as I pull him down.

"All right, John B!" Shoupe yells as JJ shuts the fridge and we all crawl to hide. "Yoo-hoo! Anybody home?" Shoupe yells once more.

"Go under there. Under there." John B whisper shouts as we all hide under the table.

"All right, John B, I know you're in there." Shoupe yells as he knocks on the door.

"If he sees you, that's game over." JJ whispers at John B.

"I know, okay, JJ?" John B whispers back as we are all stressed out.

"I know you can hear me in there. You need to come out and talk to me. It'll be a whole lot worse if you don't." Shoupe yells. "Okey doke,
have it your way! You know where you can find me." Shoupe yells as we hear his truck start driving away.

"All right, let's peel!" JJ whispers as they quickly gets out from under the table. JJ gives me a hand as we are now running ti the Twinkie.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now