34: I hate my body

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"Nice camera. Where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ asks as we are all looking over the gate to try and see. "Why don't you just use your phone?"

"Well, first of all, I like my antique electronics. Second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away." Pope explains.

"Lord of the dorks." Kie rolls her eyes. JJ reaches down to try and grab my hand but I quickly pull mine up to wipe hair out of my eyes. I then put both my hands on the gate so he can't hold them. It hurts, but I can't get hurt.

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass." Pope argues. "There he is."

"Yo, get down." JJ says as we all duck slightly. We then slowly rise up to see him go past us.

"And there's Gavin. Where are you going, you son of a bitch? No, no, no, no. I'm losing him." Pope says as he pulls the camera away from his eye. "Shit. Where's he going?"

"Hold on." JJ says as he jogs away. "Yo! Hey. I found something. Come here. Gotta go up top." We all climb up the ladder and jog to the edge to watch again.

"You rolling, Pope?" JJ asks.

"Are you getting it?" Kie asks asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I see them." Pope says. "Ward just handed Gavin something. I think it's a duffel bag."

"Guys, I think this is a payoff." JJ says.

"Gavin doesn't look happy about something. It looks like he's yelling at Ward."

"Why?" Kie asks.

"I don't know, but he sure looks mad."

"Shit!" We all say as they start fighting.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. "What's going on?" Kie asks.

"I dunno. They're fighting over something."

"They're going at it." JJ says. I can feel my heart beat quicken. I know Ward, I know what he's capable of.

"Ward's kicking the shit out of Gavin."

"Why are they fighting?" JJ asks Pope.

"I don't know. Holy shit. Ward's got a gun."

My heart drops. I freeze as I feel my hands shake slightly. Shit, not now, please not now.

"I bet that's the murder weapon." Kie says putting two and two together. Oh no.

I hear two gun shots. We all gasp as Jj pulls me down. My breathing quickens, I look at JJ to see him looking at me with concern. We're all scared. I can feel tears fall from my eyes, you can't tell though cause they mix with the rain.

"Tell me you just got that." JJ says as he looks up again with Pope.

"Enough to put this assh*le away for life." Pope states. That's when I hear another gun shot.

The tears keep spilling as I feel like I can't breath.

"Get down. Get down." Pope says as they all duck down. I don't know what happened all I do know is that I can't breath. I know I'm pushing him away but I need help. I grab onto JJ's hand and squeeze it. He looks at me as I look at him.

"Breath with me, you're okay. This all gonna be okay and we're gonna put him in jail. Just breath." JJ says. I feel my breathing start to return to normal as I squeeze his hand once more before letting go.

"Thanks." I say quietly as I look back up. I see him nod his head and look back.

"I think we should go right now." JJ says.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now