Chapter 12

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Doma invited me to play games again as a redemption round for me... And how could I say no... (😯)

I wore casual clothes since today is the weekend and knocked on his dorm... I have never been here... It looks really fancy like a temple or whatnot...

"Oh~ Y/n-Chan~ You're here today! I missed you~"

He hugged me and I awkwardly said,

"I missed you too Doma..."

"Okay~ Let's play, Y/n-chan!!!"


I sat down and he went to the kitchen to get us snacks...

I started looking at some stories on Wattpad as I waited for Doma to come back...

Doma's POV

I looked through my drawers until I saw the ethanol... I smirked and put it in Y/n's drink... 

What? She's mine... Not anyone else's... And she will... she must accept that... If she doesn't... well... She doesn't have a choice does she... I get so jealous when people are around her... When she doesn't have any time for me... 

But what has been wrong with me... I can't talk to her properly when we are at school... But when we are alone... I can talk to her for hours...

I poured f/d (favorite drink) in the cup and put the ethanol in... I mixed it up and got her f/s (favorite snack) ... 

"Y/n-chan~ I got food!"

Y/n's POV

"Thank you so much Doma!"

He set up the game and I started to eat my f/s...

After the first round, I felt thirsty, so I drank the whole f/d...

Midway through the 2nd round, I started to dose off...

Doma's POV

Aw, yes... She drank it! In a couple more minutes she will be fast asleep! She will be all mine!

After she won 1st place again, I saw that she fell asleep on my lap... Th-this wasn't part of the plan! NO! How am I supposed to kidnap her like this?! 

I grabbed her bridal style after calming my panic attack...

She was quite light... I sat her up on the couch and held her hands... Huh... what is that grey bracelet? It's so dull and not her style... I took it off and took her other bracelet off, but it started flashing red... I wonder why...

Aimi's POV

Uh oh... What did Miss Y/n say... Oh right... She was at Doma's house... I tried to stop her because he looked way to clingy and obsessive over my poor owner... 

I remember exactly how we got tangled up in this scenario, despite me turning into a newborn baby... Now I have to lead her away from all the yanderes... Or at least the people I know were yanderes... but I can't do anything about it... 

Okay, time to save Miss Y/n! I got out of the dorm and rushed to where my owner's scent was... 

I found her and Doma's scent, but I also smelled strong alcohol... Oh no... no no no no no no! If Doma spiked her drink... I swear I will kill him...  

I picked the lock and opened the door quietly... 

I got in and saw Doma and Y/n on the couch... He had Y/n's bracelet... And Y/n was knocked out... 

I came rushing in and grabbed a dagger from my pouch and attacked him...

"OW!" I jabbed him and after removing the dagger, he hissed in pain and so I hid somewhere before he turned around... 

"Who the **** got in my room?! Or was it my imagination? But then how did I get cut?"

I put my dagger away and got my bow and arrow ready to shoot him... How did I do it? I don't know... Ah well... 

I shot him and he leaped in shock and pain and hissed at the pain... He rushed to the bathroom and I quickly grabbed Miss Y/n and dragged her to our dorm...

Doma's POV

The ****?! A tiny arrow?! At least it wasn't vital... but maybe it's not safe to leave Y/n all by herself... 

I went back and saw Y/n was gone... NO! Where did she go?! NOOOOOOO!

Time skip (6 hours later)

Y/n's POV

I woke up and saw Aimi... Huh I thought I was at Doma's place... A letter was on my stomach and I opened it...

(Aimi wrote it... idk how...)

'Run away Miss Y/n! Before it's too late! Please!'

Huh? But... The bracelet... Oh wait... the bracelet is gone... I can escape this school! 

I grabbed my savings and packed food and water along with a tent, sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, clothes, chargers, my headphones, and decided to get a new phone (That way, I won't have the issue of numerous calls... )... I put on a hoodie and went outside through the window... It was nighttime... perfect... 

I ran out and put a letter on my door stating that,

'I am sick, so please let me rest!

-Y/n Hotaru L/n'

I got out and sighed in relief after leaving the school...



Sorry I tried to update but I got forced to go to the library until 2 pm... 😢

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