Chapter 13

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Me and Aimi took the airplane back home... I don't want to deal with this **** any longer... I tried calling my parents, but that was unsuccessful... Maybe they are busy or something...

Once I got back home, it was nighttime and my parents already turned off the lights...

I knocked on the door... Once... Twice... Nothing...

I waited for ten minutes before I started to panic... I tried to open the door, and somehow... It did open... **** did something happen to my parents that I am not aware of?! No... That can't be possible... Could it?

I grabbed my schoolbag tightly and went inside... I tried turning on the lights, but the light bulbs definitely had to be replaced... 

I sighed and turned on the flashlight... I went to my parent's room... Nothing... ****... 

After searching and searching, I only had one last room to check...

I went to my dad's study room... The chair was turned to the computer... And as I took a step into the room, I got my arms restrained and a pair of hands also forced me to look straight...

The chair turned around and it was

Rengoku... ****

"Oh, Y/n! I am so glad you dropped by! I thought we might never see you again... What are you doing out of school?"

"I could ask the same for you..."

"First I want to hear your response... Then I will answer..."


"If you don't I may wanna kill Aimi..."

Aimi's POV

Y/n! Don't worry about it! I am extremely swift and strong!

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