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I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming good.

As I traveled towards my destination, which happened to be my school, a multitude of thoughts occupied my mind. I pondered over how I should conduct myself once I arrived, ultimately deciding to blend in as an average student. Despite my exceptional capabilities, I had previously chosen to conform during entrance exams.

To summarize, my goal was to lead a peaceful three years of life there, as normal social conventions felt alien to me. My past experiences were far from ordinary, but I never imagined that a peculiar incident would occur on this day.

As I boarded the bus, a group of unsavory characters caught sight of me and promptly sprang into action. I wasn't entirely oblivious to the situation; it must have been related to that man. Nevertheless, they attempted to abduct me. "Hey, you. Come with us," one of them demanded. I wasn't pleased, and my next words would surely disappoint them.

"No. I can't. I have to attend the entrance ceremony at school," I replied with determination. I noticed a flicker of amusement or perhaps hilarity in their eyes as they processed my refusal. "Listen here, kid. If you want to remain in one piece, I suggest you come with us until our business is concluded," one of the goons growled in an aggressive tone. The entire bus fell into a hushed silence.

Breaking the tension, I coolly responded, "I don't recall having any business with you. So kindly go away before you meet your demise." My words were laced with an icy coldness, but it appeared that he failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Well, I couldn't entirely blame him; after all, he might have read files about me, but comprehending my monstrous abilities was beyond his grasp.

"I see. Listen here, kid. We are just tryi–" The goon attempted to distract me, while his companion, who had stealthily boarded the bus, poised himself to strike me from behind. However, in a surprising turn of events, I swiftly delivered a punch to the unsuspecting assailant.

"Ho!" exclaimed a boy with blond hair and crimson red eyes, astounded by my flawless execution. I shifted my focus to the goon who screamed to attack. He made an ill-fated attempt to stab me in a non-lethal area of my upper body using his right hand. To his astonishment, I intercepted the attack with the upper-middle part of my hand, causing the knife to slip from his grasp. Unperturbed, when the knife fell into his left hand, he tried to strike once more with the same method, but I preempted the tragedy by delivering a powerful blow to his solar plexus, followed by a simple yet effective front kick that sent him sprawling away.

Within fractions of seconds, another goon seized me from behind. "Do it swiftly. You should have believed the files from the beginning. Oh, and is everything under control there?" one goon asked, inquiring about their companion's progress in apprehending the panic-stricken bus driver.

"Yup. No issues with this four eyes," his mocking reply indicated their familiarity with me. They didn't even bother strategizing to take anyone hostage. After all, I had multiple alibis in case something went awry. With a heavy sigh, I contemplated my own wretched existence. 'I truly am a horrendous being. I never deserved it, Odasaku,' I lamented inwardly, my thoughts turning grave. With a deep breath, I resolved that the moment had arrived for me to adopt a more serious demeanor.

With a fluid succession of punches and kicks, Kiyotaka effortlessly dispatched five assailants. Despite his extensive training, he remained mortal, vulnerable to the unforeseen. In a fateful turn of events, an unseen adversary fired a fatal shot at his vulnerable spot, near to extinguishing Kiyotaka's life.

As I felt the life force fading from my body, a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. The realization that my time had come brought forth a sense of both resignation and relief. I had always believed that the world was a cruel and unequal place, where one's worth was measured by superficial standards. Odasaku had taught me the value of compassion, the significance of fighting for a just society, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Shadow Elite: Rebirth Of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka As Uchiha SasukeWhere stories live. Discover now