Chapter 11 The Clash And Hidden Secrets.

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Kakashi has no choice but to dodge both it and the needles, and he does it with mid-high difficulty. Sasuke is deadly when it comes to precision for such things. But that's not the whole point. Kakashi realizes that Sasuke has positioned him exactly where he wants him to be, so Kakashi frowns.

Sasuke exclaimed, "Boom!" as he strategically placed a multitude of explosive tags with Sakura's assistance. Prior to their graduation, Sasuke had dedicated himself to instructing his friends in their respective areas of expertise.

Kakashi found himself in a tight spot, his thoughts racing. He adjusted his headband and muttered, "Water Style: Water Wave," creating a powerful surge of water that collided with the impending danger. But Kakashi knew he needed more. In swift succession, he summoned a defensive earth jutsu to shield himself.

With determination in his voice, he chanted, "Earth Style: Earth Wall." The protective barrier successfully thwarted the threat. However, his respite was short-lived as he suddenly noticed Sasuke's lightning-fast approach, now on the offensive. In response, Kakashi unleashed a more advanced version of his renowned lightning jutsu.

Before confronting Sasuke head-on, Kakashi initiated his "Shadow Clone Jutsu" and executed a skill that left his allies in awe, "Lightning Transmission." He rocketed towards Sasuke at an unimaginable speed, effortlessly intercepting the Thunder Beam attack.

A voice echoed in the background, expressing concern for Sasuke's safety. It was Naruto who felt a surge of determination. "NOOO! Just what is Kakashi Sensei thinking? At this rate, Sasuke might be in grave danger. Naruto, let's go and help him."

"Alright, Sakura-chan, but I'm slightly battered. W-wait, huh? I don't feel any pain at all. It's like I wasn't injured in the first place," Naruto marveled, examining his body and finding no traces of wounds. "No, it must be because of my incredible Medical Ninjutsu. Hehe! Come on, let's hurry up," Sakura said with a grin after swiftly healing Naruto.

Unbeknownst to the others, a presence within Naruto had awakened, and it held a deep fascination, primarily because the focus of its interest was none other than Uchiha Sasuke. "Uchiha Sasuke, huh? How intriguing," it mused.

With both shadow clone and Kakashi releasing their jutsu, they advanced into a taijutsu clash. In response, Sasuke swiftly created a shadow clone and closed the distance between himself and Kakashi. However, an unexpected twist occurred as a kunai infused with a potent blend of fire and lightning chakra soared towards Kakashi's shadow clone, catching his attention and forcing him to evade.

Seizing this diversion, the original Sasuke seized the moment and slashed his kunai at the vulnerable clone. Simultaneously, the real Kakashi dispatched Sasuke's shadow clone, which had been intentionally endowed with Genin-level chakra, rendering it far less powerful.

As the skirmish intensified, Sasuke knew it was time to unveil a formidable technique. His Mangekyo Sharingan briefly flared to life, a detail unnoticed by Kakashi, who was perplexed by the intricate hand signs Sasuke was performing. An enigmatic jutsu was being conjured, shrouding the battlefield in uncertainty.

The thoughts within Sasuke's mind raced as he prepared to execute his planned jutsu. 'It's about time I reveal it,' he pondered. 'This jutsu is known as Torrential Blast. It begins with the unleashing of fierce water, followed by a surge of shocking thunder, and culminating with a blazing torrent of fire. As the water collides with its target, the lightning follows, annihilating everything in its path, and lastly, the fiery explosion engulfs the area, resulting in the culmination of the Three Elemental Style: Torrential Blast.'

With a sense of determination, Sasuke unleashed his massive-scale jutsu, akin to Madara's Majestic Fire Jutsu, albeit in a more compact form, casting a powerful and destructive display across the battlefield.

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