Chapter 5 Academy

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I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming (very little) good.

After spending the entire day together, Naruto and Sasuke (disguised as Sabuto) finally had to say goodbye and go their separate ways.

"You know, I've come to realize you're actually a good guy, Naruto. Stay focused on your dreams. Let's meet again sometime, although I might be hard to reach," Sasuke conveyed his intentions.

Though Naruto felt a little sad, he brightened up at the thought of meeting again. "Yeah, bye Sabuto! Let's definitely meet again. Haha, but don't keep me waiting too long—I might already be the Hokage."

"Haha, we'll see about that. Alright, bye. See you later," Sasuke said as he used the Shunshin technique to disappear.

And so, they parted ways with the promise of meeting again in the future.

In a dazzling display of Uchiha prowess, a fierce battle unfolded between two powerful individuals - the prodigious Uchiha Sasuke and his father, the seasoned Uchiha Fugaku. The air crackled with tension as they clashed, each vying for Uchiha supremacy.

As the force of their taijutsu clashed, Sasuke swiftly weaved five hand signs, his movements fluid and precise. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed his potent technique, "Lightning Style: Thunder Beam," sending three powerful beams of lightning hurtling towards Fugaku. However, Fugaku effortlessly evaded the onslaught, leaping gracefully into the air.

Sasuke wasn't one to back down. In an instant, he summoned six kunais, three in each hand, and launched a relentless assault on his father with deadly accuracy that rivaled the legendary Itachi himself.

But Fugaku was a seasoned shinobi, and he calmly responded with his own formidable jutsu, uttering the words, "Fire Style: Fire Ball." A raging inferno erupted, engulfing the kunais and rendering Sasuke's attack ineffective. A massive fireball now bore down on Sasuke, threatening to consume him.

Refusing to be overwhelmed, Sasuke tapped into his innate talent, the affinity for yang release, and performed a jutsu that showcased his skill and versatility - the "Shadow Clone Jutsu." Duplicates of himself materialized, allowing him to outmaneuver the impending danger of the fiery assault.

The intensity of the battle reached its peak as the fiery explosion disintegrated the clone that had been in front of Sasuke. As the smoke cleared, two mysterious figures swiftly approached Fugaku from opposite sides. He marveled at their speed, realizing that Sasuke had been holding back during their previous encounter. But despite this realization, Fugaku chose to ignore the incoming threat, a decision that would soon prove costly.

In a split second, Fugaku executed a powerful side kick, believing he had the upper hand after landing a direct hit. However, he had targeted the wrong Sasuke, striking the spot where the previous clone had been obliterated by the jutsu.

To Fugaku's surprise, two Sasukes emerged, attacking him from both the front and the back. He could sense that something was amiss, but time was not on his side. The Sasuke before him exhibited skills close to elite Jounin level, making it a formidable challenge.

Undeterred, Fugaku made a calculated move, attempting to strike the one he was certain to be the real Sasuke. Yet, once again, it turned out to be another clone, leaving Fugaku astonished. The realization dawned upon him that these tricks and illusions had outwitted him.

Fugaku found himself pushed away from his original position, reminiscent of a scene from Lookism, where Vasco was forcefully pushed back by a jab attack. Frustration mixed with surprise colored Fugaku's expression as he faced the young prodigy before him.

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