Chapter 2 Two Prodigies Clash And Something Is Fishy...

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I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming good.

"Do you have any other secrets, Sasuke?" Asked my dad. To which I explicitly stated, "No. If I will have it I will tell you." He nodded, understanding my words. Curiosity filled his eyes as he inquired further, "Tell us, Sasuke, how did you learn this jutsu?" I answered, my voice steady, "I observed the hand signs in my big brother's textbook."

He nodded again, his expression serious. "I see. Listen carefully, Sasuke. This jutsu is still dangerous for you. You are forbidden to use it unless accompanied by someone capable." I acknowledged his words, assuring him, "I understand, Dad." Then came the words I longed to hear, which ignited a surge of dopamine within me.

"That's my boy. I am proud of you," he said, his voice brimming with pride. "Make us and the Uchiha clan proud. Once you turn four in a few months, I will personally train you during my free time. Then you can go outside with Itachi or another member of the clan. And remember, keep your strength a secret." I smiled genuinely, my heart swelling with gratitude. "Yes, I understand, Dad. Thank you."

In the following four months, I dedicated myself to learning how to read and write. I intentionally made mistakes at first, gradually improving each day to avoid raising suspicion. The reason was simple—I was about to turn four years old. For the next two months, I delved into the history of Konohagakure, studying the alliance between the Senju and Uchiha clans and the tales of the three great Shinobi wars.

However, one particular piece of information troubled me deeply. It appeared that the Senju clan, known to rival the Uchiha, had nearly been wiped out, save for Tsunade Senju, the sole surviving member. This revelation sparked various theories and possibilities in my mind, but I decided to set it aside until I gained power, fame, and a name for myself.

Today, I finally reached my fourth birthday, and a grand celebration unfolded in my house, filled with fellow Uchiha members. Initially, their arrogance about their power grated on me, but overall, they treated me well, showering me with gifts like clothes, kunai, shuriken, books on Shinobi arts, and even an embarrassing abundance of tomatoes.

The birthday song and the cake brought me immense joy. Then my father gathered everyone's attention with an announcement. "Everyone, listen to me," he declared, commanding the room's focus. Conversations ceased, and utensils paused mid-meal.

"As you all know, today marks the fourth birthday of my second child, Uchiha Sasuke. I am grateful for your presence despite your busy schedules. I called this gathering for a specific reason—to share with you all the extraordinary talent Sasuke possesses as a Shinobi. Over the past few months, I have witnessed his potential, which rivals that of Itachi and you, Shisui."

My father's words evoked various reactions from the Uchihas. Some expressed awe, marveling at the fact that I, at such a young age, possessed such skill. Others questioned the validity of my abilities, pondering if I was too young for the Shinobi arts.

In the main house of Uchiha clan, a subtle smirk graced the faces of my parents and my older brother, Itachi. "Ara. Why don't you demonstrate that, Sasuke?" My mother's voice rang out, carrying a hint of amusement. The Uchiha members gathered there were momentarily puzzled, only to be astounded when, in an instant, I transformed into my big brother using the transformation jutsu my mother had taught me during our shared moments. It wasn't my successful transformation that surprised them, but rather the fact that I accomplished it effortlessly, without the use of any hand signs.

"I suppose that's enough for the demonstration, Shisui. Your turn," my father, Fugaku, spoke, directing his attention to a young man a few years older than my brother. Although this boy, Shisui, exuded a slightly different aura, I initially saw nothing particularly special about him. Little did I know how mistaken I was.

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