Chapter 15 Naruto's Resolve And Enter Momochi Zabuza

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"Firstly, Sakura, I didn't expect you to be that scared, but nevertheless, good job for not being completely shocked. As for Naruto and Sasuke, good teamwork. And Team Ibiki, you guys were as good as the rumors tell," Kakashi remarked, observing the performance of the genins, noticing the frowned expression on Tazuna's face as Naruto and Ranpo continued tying them with a rope.

"Hey! Don't give me a scare like that. If you could do it, why did you leave it to the kids?" Tazuna asked Kakashi, his frown deepening, uncertain about whether they would continue or not.

"That's because I wanted to be certain of something," Kakashi said, his demeanor cold as Ranpo finished his next sentence.

"Whether they were after us Konoha Shinobi or a certain liar, right? Kakashi-sensei," Ranpo said, concluding his deduction with a touch of boredom evident in his thoughts. 'How boring!!! It didn't even require one percent of my brain. Not even 0.0000001 percent of my deduction capabilities.'

"Although I can't blame you for calling him a liar, but you are correct, and not to be blamed, which should be attributed to you, Mr. Tazuna. Am I correct?" Kakashi confronted Tazuna.

"W-what are you talking about?" Tazuna asked hesitantly, a worried expression plastered across his face.

"They were after you, weren't they? Mr. Tazuna. Oh! How delightful, our guests just woke up it seems. We can confirm directly through them," Kakashi said, turning his gaze towards the demon brothers.

"Okay, now tell me who you were after and who sent you?" Kakashi asked them, to which they responded with defiance.

"We aren't telling you even if you kill us," they said, unwilling to disclose any information even under threat of death.

"Arara! So what? We could certainly use other ways," Kakashi said as he pulled out his headband, revealing his other eye, one of the strongest Kekkei Genkai and Dojutsu, the Mangekyo Sharingan, already developed, though for them, the normal Sharingan was more than enough.

"Hahaha! Well, now will you kindly talk or you know what?" Kakashi said, addressing the brothers, who attempted to disrupt the chakra within them as a possible genjutsu countermeasure, but...


Kakashi exclaimed as he used a basic genjutsu via his Sharingan eye, forcing the victims to tell the truth no matter the circumstance. He could simply see through their memories, but hearing them might prove useful to Tazuna.

"Who sent you? Whose life do you wish to take?" Kakashi asked them in a cold tone.

"We were sent here by Zabuza-san. To take the life of Tazuna, the bridge builder, on the orders of Gato, who assigned a mission to Zabuza-san to kill him for a huge sum," one of them confessed at Kakashi's behest. Hearing this, he quickly turned off his Sharingan to conserve his chakra.

"Well, now that the truth is out, mind explaining why this Gato, who is clearly one of the richest men in the world, is after you, Mr. Tazuna?" Kakashi asked him, observing Tazuna's tightened fists as Tazuna gulped.

"Gato. He came to Wave Country a bit more than two years ago. At first, we didn't think much about it, but soon he had bought up all the shipping industry of our nation. You see, Wave Country is an island, so we are dependent on shipping to get goods. But that wasn't the worst part. He used his monopoly to drain the country dry," Tazuna explained, his voice tinged with frustration and despair.

"The people live in poverty. Many lost their houses to Gato. Whoever protested was killed. He takes what he wants with his hired thugs, ensuring nobody dares to oppose him. His shipping business covers his criminal activities. He deals with drugs, alcohol, rare goods, even slaves. Everything and anything that brings him money. The only thing he fears is the bridge I'm building. If I finish my bridge, his monopoly will be rendered obsolete, and our country will be back in business because we will be connected to the mainland," Tazuna continued, his tone resolute.

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