Chapter 14 A demon indeed.

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"Wait. Will she even survive this? No, he hasn't aimed towards the vital point," Guy muttered, observing the battle between two prodigies before him.

'Seriously, I'm done for if I can't escape this genjutsu,' Amasawa thought. She quickly calmed her chakra, escaping the genjutsu just in time. However, dodging the incoming kunai proved to be a challenge.

Nevertheless, Amasawa had other techniques up her sleeve. "Water Style: Hiding in the Water Jutsu," she muttered, transforming into water and narrowly avoiding the lightning-infused kunai.

Swoosh! Thud!

'Clearly, she can't react to this speed now, can she?' Sasuke thought as he landed nearby. With determination, he executed an offensive Jutsu, "Lightning Style: Thunder Palm," striking the ground in Hyuga style.


While one might have assumed Amasawa was in trouble, she defied expectations, evading Sasuke's attack effortlessly.

But Sasuke wasn't done yet. He swiftly threw a kunai towards her, to which Amasawa responded in kind. Their kunais clashed, but there was a hidden explosion tag, escalating the situation.

Before the explosion could occur, both combatants backed off just in time.


"To be honest, after outmatching you, I wanted to deliver some dialogue, but it seems I couldn't. Also, in terms of speed, you're almost as equal as I am. And your basics are done really well," Sasuke praised, acknowledging Amasawa's skill. 'This girl seems to have trained her body to almost my level. On top of that, her chakra control surpasses that of Sakura. If she were a clan member, I can't imagine her strength,' Sasuke thought.

"Ara~ is that so? Glad you noticed. Also, I must say I wasn't expecting you to be this strong, Senpai. But as you said, our speed seems equal. What about intelligence and endurance, I wonder? Because there's no way I'm going to win against you in power and durability," Amasawa challenged, her usual confidence shining through.

Sasuke smirked. 'This girl is strong, and as she said, she can't win against me in a face-to-face showdown. Which means she'll likely try to overpower me with endurance, but that's less likely. I think she'll attempt to defeat me with some sort of trap.'

Sasuke analyzed the situation, then noticed a barrage of shurikens coming towards him.

But then suddenly, instead of shurikens, Amasawa materialized there, wearing a devilish grin. She had a layer of chakra in her hand, similar to the judo move with which she easily defeated Sasuke's clone. Sasuke pondered the trick she pulled. Was it Flying Raijin? No. Rinnegan teleportation? No. Transformation Jutsu? No. It was a simple substitution Jutsu she used on the shurikens to replace herself with one.

'Heh! She might be a good challenge. Let's see how I shall perform without my Sharingan?' Sasuke internally contemplated. As they both poised to strike, Sasuke attempted to overpower her unusual attack with his strength, but failed to do so. Once again.

Ba doom!!!

'Damn it. Me and my clone already underestimated her three times. But this one was within the calculation,' Sasuke thought as he endured the pain. According to Sasuke's analysis, it felt like an attack with a low-level Jutsu rank, but the pain inflicted was of a much higher level. A very effective technique indeed for a surprise attack.

Sasuke swiftly used his left leg to kick her other leg, which unbalanced her. Then he delivered a palm hook and a cross to her face. To continue his barrage, he kept attacking with a deadly boxing combo, a relentless assault. Initially, she struggled to keep up, but she later adapted and countered with her own punches. When both saw no opening, they backed off.

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