Chapter - 16 Fyodor Dostoevsky

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As Zabuza and Kakashi both landed, Zabuza suddenly hurled several Kunais at Kakashi. With swift precision, Kakashi effortlessly deflected them using his own Kunais. In the blink of an eye, Zabuza closed the distance between them, swinging his sword towards Kakashi. With agile reflexes, Kakashi dodged the attack, bending his body backward.

Next, Kakashi channeled chakra into his feet, propelling himself at incredible speed. With a burst of chakra, he jammed his right leg into the Kubikiribocho, then, channeling chakra into his other foot, he rocketed sideways, delivering a powerful back hook straight to Zabuza's face.


The force of the blow sent Zabuza flying five meters away, blood trickling from his mouth as he staggered. Without even looking, Zabuza instinctively halted a stab attempt by Kakashi.

"Hmph! Even though you're slightly stronger than I anticipated, Kakashi, it won't change anything," Zabuza sneered, emanating more bloodlust and killing intent.

'Although it would be convenient if it were just a bluff, I can't deny he's right. He predicted my moves flawlessly, even anticipating my next strike,' Kakashi thought, realizing he needed to end the fight with Kamui or his deadly Raikiri.

Suddenly, Zabuza launched a knee attack towards Kakashi. Anticipating it, Kakashi swiftly blocked it with his free left hand. But before he could react, Zabuza forcefully pulled Kakashi towards him.

'So this is the true Kakashi,' Zabuza thought, 'foolish to think he could escape my Water Prison Jutsu-'

Before Zabuza could finish his thought, a bolt of lightning jolted him as Kakashi's Electric Shadow Clone struck him. The electricity left scars on his body, causing fresh blood to flow.

"YOU!!!" Zabuza cursed Kakashi, scanning the area for the elusive Copy Ninja. Sensing danger, he leaped towards a nearby tree, glaring fiercely at Kakashi as he emerged from below with his Head Hunter Jutsu.

In the dense foliage of the tree, Zabuza swiftly weaved multiple hand signs, molding a vast amount of chakra to unleash his devastating Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu. The colossal water dragon surged towards Kakashi with lethal speed, threatening certain annihilation upon impact. Yet, Kakashi remained composed, poised to counter and turn the tables on his adversary.

Meanwhile, Kakashi had also completed his intricate hand signs, evoking the ominous sound of a thousand birds. A tremendous surge of chakra gathered in his palms, morphing into crackling lightning that tore through the ground with ferocity. "RAIKIRI!" Kakashi's cry echoed as he unleashed the full force of his lightning-infused attack.

Bending down slightly, Kakashi concentrated chakra in his feet, propelling himself at dizzying speed, almost akin to teleportation in the eyes of Sakura and Tazuna. With lightning reflexes, he ascended rapidly, wielding his Raikiri with lethal intent. As he closed in on the water dragon's path, he unleashed his attack, a clash of titans that rent the air with explosive force.

The collision erupted in a small explosion, leaving Kakashi with minor wounds as he pressed on, his resolve unyielding. His Raikiri sliced through the water dragon effortlessly, akin to a knife cutting through paper, with bursts of energy rippling through the clash.

In a swift turn of events, Kakashi and Zabuza found themselves in close proximity, setting the stage for Kakashi's next decisive move. With remnants of electricity crackling in his hand, Kakashi delivered a powerful palm strike to Zabuza's chest, propelling him backward with staggering force. The impact sent Zabuza hurtling through the dense forest, uprooting nearly twenty trees in his wake.

Amidst the chaos, Naruto, Dazai, and Sasuke swiftly closed in on Zabuza, bombarding him with a barrage of kunais, their determination unwavering.

As the dust settled, Kakashi landed gracefully on the ground, his attention turning to Mr. Tazuna with genuine concern. "Are you alright, Mr. Tazuna? I apologize for any discomfort caused by the earlier skirmish," Kakashi offered, his tone laced with sincerity. Tazuna reassured him, expressing understanding and admiration for Kakashi's prowess.

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