Chapter 4 "I really am a horrible human being."

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I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming (very little) good.

As Mizuki's fist propelled towards him, Sasuke's instincts kicked in, guiding his swift reaction. With agility and precision, he swiftly caught Mizuki's incoming punch with both hands, swiftly immobilizing him. Seizing the opportunity, Sasuke delivered a devastating knee strike to Mizuki's solar plexus. However, to his surprise, the attack had little effect as Mizuki swiftly retaliated, overpowering Sasuke and throwing him a considerable distance of 17 to 20 meters. After a brief moment, Sasuke regained his footing and stood on his own.

"Sasuke, listen carefully," Iruka's urgent voice resonated, his determination shining through. "I can hold him off for about five minutes. It's enough time for you to escape. Inform Lord Third about Orochimaru."

Sasuke pondered the weighty decision before him. 'Mizuki is exceptionally strong, far beyond the capabilities of a regular Genin or Chunin. Orochimaru must be the real threat here, granting Mizuki such power. If I flee, Iruka's chances of survival diminish significantly, as I am unable to match Mizuki's strength. But if I stay, I risk capture and endanger Iruka further. It's a difficult choice, but I must prioritize my escape and ensure Iruka's wish.'

With a resolute mindset, Sasuke made his choice. He swiftly turned and fled, his footsteps echoing his determination to survive. Meanwhile, Mizuki sneered, reveling in the anticipated outcome. "As expected, he runs, leaving you to face your demise at my hands, only to be captured later. Iruka." Even Iruka's expression grew grave, fully aware of the situation's gravity. It was a sacrifice for the greater good. Their clash erupted immediately, with Mizuki exhibiting overwhelming dominance over Iruka.

While Sasuke sprinted away, memories of his training sessions with Iruka flooded his mind. He recalled Iruka's patient guidance on proper grip and stance for throwing shurikens and kunais. The echoes of Iruka's teachings left a pang of guilt within Sasuke, as he regretted leaving his mentor behind. However, the truth remained that Iruka's fate was sealed, regardless of Sasuke's actions. Accepting this painful reality, Sasuke resolved to honor Iruka's self-sacrifice and continue living.

Yet, deep within him, something extraordinary stirred. A fragment of his past surfaced—the memory of encountering a noble soul named Odasaku. Odasaku's profound words resonated within Sasuke's being: "Remember Kiyo****, cultivating goodness within oneself has the power to illuminate the world, infusing it with exquisite beauty." This sentence etched itself into Sasuke's consciousness, becoming an indelible part of his thoughts.

"Iruka fights for my sake, laying his life on the line, and here I am, abandoning him to secure my own survival. Damn it!" Sasuke's frustration exploded, his fist colliding with a nearby tree. But as he halted, the image of Iruka reemerged—their shared moments of kunai and shuriken practice, the warmth of lunchtime companionship.

In that moment, something extraordinary happened. Sasuke sensed a shift, a flash of red that heightened his perception. His eyes, once clouded, now captured details with astounding clarity. As if guided by an innate instinct, he observed a bird in flight, its movements perfectly predictable. Sasuke's newfound perception traced the subtle musculature, unlocking an ability to anticipate its every motion.

In a fraction of a moment, Sasuke understood the truth—it had awakened. The Sharingan, a rare kekkei genkai inherent to the Uchiha bloodline. Without hesitation, he embraced the realization, knowing the immense power it held. With unwavering determination, Sasuke wasted no time and hurried to aid Iruka.

Back at the battleground, Mizuki unleashed another devastating blow upon Iruka, eliciting agonized screams. Despite the pain, Iruka rose to his feet, ready to continue the fight. Little did he expect that help would soon arrive. In a heroic tone, Sasuke intervened, issuing Mizuki a clear ultimatum.

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