Chapter 8 Does Sasuke And Hinata Like Each Other?

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I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming (very little) good. Btw I have started the habit of writing power level of one character shown in story, at the end of the chapter, do check it out.

In the present time!


The door blasted open, and Sasuke knew exactly what it was. "SASUKE! Are you alright?" screamed Naruto, genuinely concerned for his friend. This was also considering that yesterday, Sasuke had forbidden him from engaging with Itachi.

As Sasuke didn't want to take any chances, he had ordered others to keep Naruto out of the way as soon as he regained his memories.

"Seriously, such a drag!" said Sasuke emotionlessly. "Hey! What's with that attitude? Your friend comes here worrying about you, and all you have to say is that, huh?" replied Naruto.

"Well, you are certainly um, correct. So I'm sorry for making you worry, and thanks for caring about me," said Sasuke. "That seems forced. You're not even smiling at all," Naruto retorted.

'But that's true,' thought Sasuke. "Come on, Naruto, don't make a fuss. Do you even know what happened to Sasuke?" said Hiruzen. "That his big bro did something wrong, right?" asked Naruto.

"You guys can come in too," said Sasuke. And now, all members of the Rookie 9 appeared. "So, what really happened, Lord Hokage?" asked Ino. "My clan was massacred by Itachi," replied Sasuke.

"Wait a minute, just because your brother massacred or massaged the whole clan, it doesn't mean he did something wrong. Actually, you guys are the ones who are making a fuss," said Naruto, oblivious to the meaning of "massacre."

'Is this guy for real?' everyone thought. Hiruzen clarified, "Naruto, it means to kill, not massage. I guess from now on, you should buy some books instead of that ramen. Eat nutritional foods for your bra-... Hmm?"

Naruto's eyes widened, his eyebrows raised, indicating a sad and shocked expression. "Wait a minute. So Itachi, his big brother, killed the entire Uchiha clan all by himself? But why?" said Naruto.

"Do you remember that question I asked Shikamaru, Naruto? Is society truly equal? This is all related to that," said Sasuke. This piqued everyone's interest, and Kakashi added, "No, although it's a harsh truth, this society is not truly equal."

Sasuke nodded. "I share the same opinion, but..." Hiashi began, "We should at least strive to make it seem equal, shouldn't we?" "Yeah," affirmed Sasuke. Some of the kids were puzzled about how he knew what Hiashi was about to say. "Most likely, Hinata must have told him," said Sasuke, earning a collective "Oh!".

"Okay, now all of you leave. I have some important matters to discuss with him. And don't worry, as you can see, he's perfectly fine," Hiruzen said as he ushered them out. They left, visibly concerned for Sasuke.

"It seems you are blessed with friends, Sasuke. So now, let's discuss other important matters," said Hiruzen. "Yes, Lord Third." Hiruzen asked, "About the matter of all the Uchiha wealth and properties..."

'So, somehow after the negotiation, I currently own most of the Uchiha's property. As for the Jutsu scroll, he advised me to train with Kakashi only, as he is the only one in the village with the Sharingan apart from me, for my own safety. Since Kakashi would also be looking at the Uchiha's scroll, I decided to seek everything about the Hatake clan.

After I discussed various matters with others, I was discharged the next day. I took a few days off from the academy to rest. During that time, I familiarized myself with my Mangekyo Sharingan's abilities,' Sasuke thought as he went home with Guy.

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