Chapter 17 Fyodor Dostoevsky 2

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Yo! Everyone it's been a really long time. Tbh the reason I didn't uploaded this fanfic was due to not getting any ideas at all. Also a bit procrastination too. But after reading the latest manga chapter of bsd a fire burned within me which led to me continuing this fanfic. Enjoy the read! And now this fanfic totally is related to bsd.

"I suppose it's time..." Sasuke muttered, his eyes glinting with determination.

"It's Sharingan time..."

Sasuke found himself adeptly evading Fyodor's onslaught of Jutsus, but he knew mere evasion wouldn't secure victory. Determined to seize the initiative, he opted for a more aggressive approach. With a swift hand gesture, Sasuke summoned a shadow clone, which dispersed into three identical copies as smoke billowed around them, each sprinting off in a different direction.

Observing Sasuke's tactical maneuver, Fyodor couldn't help but admire the strategic finesse on display. "I see. Making those shadow clones shall lead to inefficiency in my attacks. Not a bad strategy," he mused. And continued ,"But what exactly is he plotting?" Doubt crept into Fyodor's thoughts as he pondered his opponent's intentions. "Perhaps it's time to step up my game."

With resolve, Fyodor intensified the power, quantity, and speed of his Jutsu, elevating them to unprecedented levels. The two shadow clones were swiftly overwhelmed by the sheer force of Fyodor's augmented attacks, leaving only one Sasuke standing. But this lone combatant wasn't ready to back down.

With lightning crackling around him, Sasuke hurled a kunai infused with electrifying chakra directly at Fyodor, his intent clear: to strike decisively and gain the upper hand in the battle.

Just as the Kunai hurtled towards him, Sasuke executed a swift teleportation using the Hiraishin technique, appearing near the projectile in an instant. With the crackling energy of the Raikiri in his left hand, he lunged at Fyodor with deadly precision, aiming to end the confrontation swiftly.

However, Fyodor's reflexes proved equal to the task as he narrowly dodged the lethal strike. Swiftly, he countered, manipulating his jutsu to unleash a torrent of water that tore through Sasuke's defenses, piercing his body in seven different places and rending him apart.

The gruesome sight stunned Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi to their core. Kakashi's mind raced, refusing to accept the sight before him. 'No! This can't be... Sasuke wouldn't fall so easily. He must have another plan.' Praying for a twist of fate, Kakashi hoped against hope for Sasuke's survival.

"SASUKEEEE!" Naruto and Sakura's anguished cries pierced the air, their shock and disbelief palpable as they grappled with the loss of their teammate, their first taste of the true horrors of the shinobi world.

With a calm demeanor that belied the chaos around him, Fyodor commented, "That outcome was inevitable. Yet, had Sasuke landed that jutsu, it would have been my demise, not his. Holding back my power from the start proved to be a strategic move, goading him into a reckless attack." With a determined gaze, he turned his attention to the remaining adversaries, ready to face them head-on and fulfill his mission.

However, in a surprising turn of events, Sasuke's body dissolved into smoke, revealing it to be a shadow clone. Relief washed over the group, realizing Sasuke's survival, albeit temporarily. Suddenly, the rock from which Sasuke had conjured the shadow clone split apart, revealing the real Sasuke standing firm, poised to continue the battle.

With an intense glare, Sasuke focused his gaze on Fyodor, channeling a significant amount of chakra into his hand. In a swift motion, he fashioned a superior version of Rasengan, uttering confidently, "Odama Rasengan."

'No, that's not quite it,' he mused, darting towards Fyodor with determination. Witnessing Sasuke's advance, Fyodor's lips curled into a malicious smile as he remarked, "Ahh! How exhilarating it is to engage in battle with you. I can't help but wonder about the traps you've set."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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