Chapter 1 October 10 And The Monstrous Geniusness

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I don't own Cote, Naruto or Bsd. All right belongs to respectful owner. Also Bsd won't have much influence except for influencing Kiyo into becoming good.

Sasuke's Pov :-

In the midst of my blissful existence, I stumbled upon a valuable piece of information. Overhearing my mother's conversation with her esteemed companions, I gleaned that my birthday was to be celebrated on July 23. Given my parents' status within a prestigious lineage, contentment permeated my being. Despite my tender age, I adamantly resisted consuming milk, much to their dismay, cherishing my bottle. However, my defiance was met with an abundance of toys, carefully selected to captivate and entertain me. These diversions managed to stave off boredom, though I had ascribed my mental age to that of a teenager.

Yet, amidst all the amusement, my heart reveled in the company of my cherished family—my mother, father, and elder brother, Itachi. Although he was merely five or six years my senior, I discerned his exceptional intellect, which rivaled my own, save for a lack of experience. As the days unfolded, I noted peculiarities in this world, distinct from my previous realm. Technological advancements appeared stunted, reminiscent of the year 1990 AD. Moreover, I discovered that my village, known as Konohagakure, was a place for shinobi.

The incredible abilities displayed by these shinobi left me in awe. One day, while engrossed in play with my toys, a fleeting sense of restlessness overcame me, compelling me to engage in an internal monologue. 'Why does this world lack modern appliances? With such conveniences, life would be vastly improved. It almost feels as if I have been transported to a bygone era. However, this notion defies the laws of time. Furthermore, my calculations align this world with the year 1990 AD...' Lost in thought, I absentmindedly pursued a vibrant green dinosaur I affectionately dubbed Meno. At that moment, both my father and mother happened to be home, perhaps with time to spare.

"Look, our dear Sasuke seems to have grown weary of his toy once again. He often yearns for something more captivating, deeply contemplating the mysteries of life," remarked my mother, drawing my attention towards their conversation. Intrigued, I shifted my gaze to them, feigning casual interest. She continued, "Why don't we unveil something truly fascinating, an enthralling spectacle that will capture his imagination? How about a demonstration of Fire Style Ninjutsu?" My curiosity piqued, I speculated on the nature of this Ninjutsu, pondering whether I had unwittingly traversed into the Sengoku period. Yet, this world seemed far too advanced for such antiquity. Nevertheless, I eagerly awaited the revelation.

"Certainly. It would be splendid if our young Sasuke displays an affinity for the Shinobi arts. Allow me to demonstrate the Fire Ball Jutsu," responded my father, sweeping me up into his arms and leading us toward the clan compound. Along the way, we were greeted by a few familiar faces. "Good afternoon, Fugaku-san, Mikoto-san, and young master Sasuke," they greeted respectfully. Enveloped in anticipation, I anticipated witnessing a contraption hidden within my father's attire, a device that would concoct various elements or gases, ultimately producing fire. Yet, what I beheld shattered my preconceived notions, leaving my jaw agape in astonishment.

Executing a series of intricate hand signs with flawless precision, my father uttered the incantation, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu." In an instant, an enormous fireball materialized, dwarfing the size of any human. A swirling mass of roaring flames, it radiated intense heat while maintaining its perfect spherical form. The spectacle unfolded before my eyes—an awe-inspiring display of sheer velocity as it streaked through the air, obliterating the colossal boulder in its path. "Well, Sasuke, what did you think of that? I have no doubt that in just a few short years, even you will possess the ability to achieve such a feat. Your chakra reserves far surpass those of an ordinary infant even within the Uchiha clan I can sense it," he proclaimed, beaming with an air of pride.

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