Chap 2

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I got curious and went over there. I gently tapped the girl's shoulder as she turned around.

"Oh hi!" My heart stopped beating when I saw the girl. She had brown hair, golden topaz eyes and a cute face. My heart had never reacted this way.

"I'm Mumei, what's your name?" I shook my head and snapped back into reality as I realized she was asking me a question.

"My name's Ouro Kronii." Mumei stared at me for a long time till she spoke.

"Oh, your the person Muman is marrying right?"

"Y-yes, but I don't remember that the Nonoshi family also had a daughter."

"Oh, I'm not from the Nonoshi family. I'm a relative! You see, my family name is Nanashi, I'm the cousin of Muman!"

"I see." Mumei grabbed my hands and looked at me like she had sparkles in her eyes.

"How long are you staying here for Kronii?!"

"About a month or so I think."

"Does that mean you're also attending the university here too?!"

"Umm, I guess?"

"Cool!! Let me lend you a spare uniform then!!" Mumei started dragging me to her room as I looked around the area.

"This size should do, no?" I wore the uniform over my clothes to see if it fits.

"It's a bit big, but it should be good enough." I took off the uniform and handed it back to her as I thought of a question.

"Mumei, why do you even have such a big uniform, I mean you're smaller than me"

"Oh, that's because Muman got curious and wanted to try on the female's uniform, so I snuck into one of the offices and got the biggest size for him." I talked to Mumei for a while till Krono interrupted.

"Oh? I see my sister found herself a girlfriend~" i walked over to him and flicked his forehead and whispered,

"as if you didn't found yourself a boyfriend" Krono's face turned a bit red.

"Shut it!" Krono whispered. I slammed the door in his face as I walked back towards Mumei.

"You have a brother?"

"Unfortunately yes. Even though we're twins I'll always be better than him." I heard my father call for my name from downstairs as Mr. Nonoshi also did for Mumei.

I quickly went down stairs as Mumei followed.

"Do you need something?"

"Yes, I see you've met with, wait? Miss Nanashi?!"

"What's with the surprise, father?"

"I-I'll e-explain to you later. For now I need to tell you how things are gonna work around here. First, you'll be attending the nearby university with Miss Nanashi and Mr. Nonoshi, second since pretty much all of the rooms here are mainly used for storage, you'll be sleeping with Mr. Nonoshi. And lastly, your wedding is the first week of next month."

"I'm not sleeping with Muman!" Muman stepped in and commented,

"That's ok, I'll sleep with Krono, while you can sleep with my cousin."


"I'll take that deal!" Mumei exclaimed behind Muman.

My face turned a bit red knowing that I'll be sharing a room with her.

"Does that work for you Mr. Ouro?" I looked at my father who had a puzzled face and then agreed.

"Let's go grab a futon for you Kronii!" Mumei grabbed my hand as she led me towards one of the storage rooms. When we entered the room, it was filled with stuff piled on top of eachother.

"Found it!" Mumei started to grab the futon that was underneath everything.

"Wait Mumei don't take it from the bott-" I saw the pile on top start to shift. I quickly went over to her, turned her and then hugged her from behind. The piled stuff collapsed on top of me but left Mumei safe.

"Waa?! Kronii are You ok?!!!" I looked at her and then looked around the room, it was a mess. I soon then realized the collapse made both of us fall to the ground and made me on top of her. 

My fiancé's cute cousinWhere stories live. Discover now