Chap 18

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"No......Mumei I know the timing is awful but I want to tell you now."

"w-what is it?"

"Mumei run away with me."


"Mumei, listen. I love you with all of my heart, My father isn't going to let me be with you if I stay here." Mumei sat there quietly.

"Kronii. Did you know that we were friends when we were kids?"


"You don't remember this because of your car accident, but when we first met as kids I fell in love with you Kronii. And when I met you again when you stayed here, I was so happy...."

"Mumei what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I'm going wherever you go, Kronii. Because I can't live if I knew that you weren't going to be with me." Mumei smiled at me gently as I hugged her tightly.

(A week has past since then)

I went to the hospital to get Mumei discharged.

"Kronii, when are we leaving then."

"Mumei, I thought I told you that we're leaving today"

"Oh, I must have forgor." I kissed her forehead as I got in the car.

"Did you buy yourself a car?"

"Might as well, I mean, I'm rich so why not. Besides, I have a license." Mumei laughed at my statement as I started to buckle myself.

"Where are we driving to?"

"I'm not sure, but wherever we go I'll have you by my side." I saw Mumei's face turn red as I looked at the mirror. I smiled and started to drive.



(Couple of years later in their life)

(Kronii's pov)

I kissed Mumei over and over again on her soft lips as I then moved to her neck. I started to unbutton her shirt and then felt Mumei grip my wrist making me stop.

"s-should I stop?"

"a-ah, it's not that it's u-um" Mumei diverted her eyes away from mine as I then realized what this was about.

I kissed Mumei gently on her forehead and then used my other hand to remove her grip. Mumei gently let go as I helped her. I then slowly unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a scar streak going down from her chest.

"I-it's u-ugly isn't it"

"Mumei it's n-"

"If only I never had heart problems then I wouldn't have to do the surgery and-"

"Mumei, listen to me. It's not ugly." I turned Mumei's head around till her eyes were then facing mine.

"It's beautiful"

"Y-you really m-mean it? It doesn't d-disgust you?....."

"No, Mumei, it doesn't" I kissed her gently on the lips and then looked at her.

"Shall I continue?" Mumei's face turned red as she then turned her head away out of embarrassment.

"y-yes p-please...."

Before I realized it, we kept going at it till 4 am. 


Waa I finally finished this story!! Anyways my wacked up brain thought of another story so I'll post it after I post this chap. If you wanna go find it just click my pfp and find. Also tysm to everyone who read this story!!

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