Chap 15

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I sat in class as I saw the two girls from before in front of me laughing.

I could barely pay attention to class from the dizziness of my head. I saw my vision slowly fade into darkness and then nothing.

(Kronii's pov)

I heard a loud thud that startled me so I looked next to me and saw Mumei's head hit the desk loudly with everyone looking. (Did she fall asleep?)

I turned my attention back around and heard people whispering about it.

When class was over I gently shook Mumei to wake her up.

Mumei groaned as she then looked at me with a red area on her forehead from the desk.

"Mumei, did you fall asleep?"

"Aha, I guess I have."

(Did she pass out?) Mumei's behavior was starting to worry me a bit as we walked to the next class.

"Kronii, do you know how I got this red bruise on my forehead?"

"Well your head fell straight to the desk making a loud thud"

"Oh." I chuckled at her response as I then pulled her in and kissed her forehead.

"Does it feel better now?"

"I- um- yea" Mumei's face turned flustered as we kept walking.

I headed in the gym and sat my stuff down as Mumei sat on her bench with her book.

I ran laps after laps wondering how I should tell her to run away with me. I looked over at the bench and saw that Mumei wasn't there and left her stuff there.

"Sir, can I go to the bathroom?"

"be quick" I quickly left the gym as I went to find Mumei. I went down halls after halls and then to the bathroom.

There I saw Mumei panting heavily against the sink.

"Mumei?!" I quickly rushed to her as she was all pale.


"Mumei, do you need anything that I can help you with?!" Mumei's painting started to slow down as she then leaned against me with her weak body.

"I-It's nothing. I-it happens from time to time."

(Mumei.....have you been dealing with this for your entire life?........)

I helped Mumei slowly walk back to the gym and let her sit down slowly on the bench.

When the class was over I sat on the bench with Mumei.

"Does it hurt?"

"N-not now....." we stood up and started to walk to our next class. I felt someone tugging me and I looked over to see Krono.

"Ah, Mumei, I'll be right back"

I left with Krono as he kept dragging me to an empty hall.

"Kronii, are you really going to leave?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"I eavesdropped when you were in the cupboard with Muman."

"Krono, you have to understand why"

"I understand. But I'm saying when you're gonna tell me." I paused from his question.

"I was gonna tell you later tonight." Krono sighed.

"You picked your girlfriend over me huh. You're leaving your lonely brother alone you know" he said in a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes and went to go find Mumei.

When I got back to the hall that I left Mumei in I saw a bit of a crowd. I pushed past them and saw someone pushing and shoving Mumei. My mind ticked as I grabbed the guy by the collar and lifted him up against the lockers.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Oh please, you're really defending that sick girl?" I punched him in the face and dropped him down.

"Say that again and next time I won't stop." The guy pushed me aside and continued to push and shove Mumei. I pushed him away from her as I punched him in the face over and over.

"K-Kronii, p-please s-stop!" I turned around and saw Mumei on the verge of tears.

"I'm sor-" someone from the crowd pushed Mumei to the ground as I was walking up to her. But there were a bit too many people to know who did it. Mumei weakly stood up as she then started to pant heavily again like that time in the bathroom. Mumei gripped her clothes tightly as she kept panting.

"Wow, this girl really is pulling the sick girl thing far!"

"Shut it!" I went over to Mumei as she was all pale.

"Mumei can you hear me?" Mumei looked at me confused and then collapsed.

Everyone in the crowd started to whisper as I started to rage.

"What are you all looking at?! Call a fucking ambulance!!!"

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