Chap 3

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My face turned red as I quickly got up

"Yea I'm fine. Next time don't take things from the bottom" Mumei kept apologizing as I kept telling her it was ok. I started to drag the futon to her room and laid it down.

"I see you two are prepared" I turned around and saw my father outside the door.

"Kronii, can I speak to you for a sec?" I left the room and went to him. We started to walk further from the room till he started to speak.

"Kronii, do you know who Miss Nanashi is?"


"Her family is the head of the government. Her birth was not publicly announced since she was born as a girl, but very few people know."

"Is that all? Because I seriously don't care"

"Kronii! Listen. It's best if you stay away from her, one bad move you make may cost our entire family."

"Father, I'm sure she's not that type of girl. Now stay out of my business." I left back for the room and saw that Mumei had already fallen asleep. I grabbed the blanket that was behind her and laid it on top of her. My heart started to race a bit when I saw her sleep, but why?......

When I woke up I felt Mumei slapping my face back and forth.


"Oh. You're up"

"Why are you slapping me?"

"Muman said it was the most efficient way to wake someone up. He used to do that to me when we were kids!"

I slowly got up as I realized that Mumei was already in her school uniform.

"Isn't it too early till school starts?"

"Hmm? What do you mean? We have like 10 mins till classes are about to start"

"GWAAAK?!!!" I quickly grabbed the spare uniform and went to the bathroom to put it on. When I got changed I saw Mumei still waiting for me.

"Mumei, why are you still waiting for me when you could've already gone to school?!!"

"Because I wanna wait for you silly!" My face went red when she finished her sentence. Mumei started to drag my arm as always and led me to the car outside.

When we got in the car I settled my stuff down and diverted my attention elsewhere as the car started to drive. (Damn these skirts are shorter than the ones I had in my other university) I looked at Mumei who was staring outside the window in a creepy but cute way. My heart started to flutter just by looking at her. (Damn, why does my heart go like this when I'm looking at her. Am I having a heart attack?) 

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