Chap 12

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(Kronii's pov)

I fluttered my eyes as I saw Mumei next to me on the bed scrolling through her phone while sitting up. I looked at my hand as I realized that I grabbed her hand before I fell back asleep.

"Mumei" Mumei turned her head and looked at me.


"Do you mind telling me what caused you to cry yesterday?" Mumei silently stared at me before she then turned her attention back to her phone.

"I-it was's not something that you need to care about...."

(mumei.........I care about you more than you think....)

"oh I forgot to mention but, Bae wants us to go to an amusement park with the rest of them at 2 today"

"c-can you go on rides with your condition?" Mumei stopped scrolling on her phone.

"Kronii, just treat me like a normal person please. I hate it when people have to treat me differently just because of my condition. Besides, I'm sure my heart can handle all of the rides."

"a-ah, r-right, sorry about that....." I looked at Mumei and thought quietly to myself. (She's so pretty......)

Mumei looked at me with the corner of her eyes as I then quickly diverted my attention somewhere else.

I heard the door slam as I then jolted straight up while Mumei didn't even seem to flinch.

"Oh? Am I interrupting something dear sister? Sharing the same bed while holding hands when you're supposed to be on the futon." My face heated up and went flustered.

"W-what do you want, K-Krono?!"

"Well, father asked me to tell you that he needs you to discuss the marriage and set up plans with him."

"Just say he needs me. Don't make a run on sentence Krono."

"It wasn't even a run-on sentence!!!" I rolled my eyes at him as he rolled his back at me.

"Anyways, he wanted to finalize the date of your marriage, so he decided on the 7th of the following month." I opened my mouth slightly as I was about to speak when I felt Mumei tightening her grip on my hands slightly. I looked at Mumei who was still scrolling through her phone.

"Tell him that I'll talk to him later today"

"Rodger dodger!" Krono gripped the door knob and slammed the door when he left.

"Have fun having sex with your girlfriend, sister!!" He said as his voice started to faint from going further away. I sighed as I rested my head on my hand.

"That bastard..." I muttered under my breath.

(2 pm)

(Mumei's pov)

"Mumei!!! We're over here!!!" I looked behind me and saw Bae and the others waving at us. I went over there with Kronii as Bae ran up to me and hugged me.

"so, are you an Kronii a thing?~" Bae whispered quietly into my ear. My face went red and then I remembered my dream.


"I see, what a shame. Anyways, let's go have some fun!!!" Bae pointed onwards as we all followed her.

I felt my heart tighten a bit. I slightly groaned in pain as I kept following them.

"Mei Mei, want to go on that ride?" I looked at what Sana was pointing at and it was a 400 ft roller coaster drop. My heart was still in pain but I ignored it.

"Sure, if Kronii goes on it I'll go." Sana looked at Kronii

"Are you able to ride that roller coaster with your girlfriend Kronii~"

"S-she's not my g-girlfriend!!" Kronii's face started to turn red as she headed in the line for the ride. Fauna chuckled a bit as she then held my hand and walked me in the line with Bae, Sana, and Irys behind us.

We waited in line for what felt like hours till it was finally our turn. I sat in as Kronii sat next to me while Sana and Fauna sat behind us and Bae and Irys behind them. I heard the buzzer go off as we then started to go up in the ride. I looked over at Kronii who looked like she was about to drown in her sweat. I grabbed her hand and smiled at her.

"It's gonna be fine" Kronii weakly smiled back as she continued her sweating. When we got to the top we were hung over to the point where we could see the entire drop. The cart released as we then raced down the drop. I felt my heart racing way too fast. The constant screaming was bothering me from trying to calm it down. I started to pant heavily but the screaming of others was covering the sounds. I felt my heart tighten and tighten. (d-dang it!! I probably shouldn't have gone on this ride!!) When the ride was over the cart returned back and then we got off.

"Mumei you're right, everything was ok!! It was fun!!!" Kronii slapped me gently on the back as we headed out of the area and onto the next entertainment. I kept panting heavily under my breath as my head kept spinning. I felt like my heart was gonna burst.

"Mumei, you alright? You look quite pale."

"I-I'm fine Irys. I just haven't been on a rollercoaster in a long time."

"Guys should we go on that one next?!!! It's an indoor one!!"

"Bae, we just went on a rollercoaster."

"Fauna we came to the amusement park to have fun so we're going on it!!" Bae headed straight into the line as we all followed her. The waiting line was dark but filled with people chattering. I felt Kronii grabbing my hand and holding it tightly.

"Kronii, are you scared of the dark?~" I whispered in her ear.

"N-no!!" She said as she held my hand tighter.

When we got on the ride, the cart started to go backwards. I felt my heart racing uncomfortably fast again.

We went ride after ride and rode some again as I kept pushing through the agonizing pain. The sun started to set as we were all tired. my heart kept racing as I kept panting heavily more and more. I felt my head spinning and vision getting blurry. I heard a thud as my body collapsed on the ground. I heard my friends calling my name but it fainted enough not to hear a lot. 

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