Chap 4

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"We're here Miss Nanashi, Miss Ouro" I looked out the window and saw a well structured place. When I got out the sun burned on my skin. When we entered the school I saw my brother waiting for me while Muman was waiting for Mumei.

"About time you showed up!"

"Shut Krono!"

"Kronii, since you and your brother are new to this university, the director asked me and Mumei to give you a tour around."

"Are you taking Krono or me?"

"Well quite frankly I don't think you like my presence, so I'll take Krono, while Mumei takes you"

Mumei started to drag me like always and led me around the school.

"Kronii, do you not like Muman?"

"Well, I don't want to get married to the man so no, not really."

"Then why not call off the marriage?"

"Well, my stuck up father won't let that happen"we kept walking in silence till we heard the bell ring. Mumei grabbed my hand and stayed close to me.

"It gets a bit crowded in the halls when classes are done" I saw a bunch of students rush out from each class room as they kept pushing and shoving me and Mumei.

"Mumei!!" Mumei led me towards a bit more cleared out the hallway where there were 2 people standing there.

"Where's Bae?"

"She's out sick today along with Irys" the other person looked at me and then looked back towards Mumei.

"Mei Mei, whose this?"

"Oh, this is Kronii! That's Fauna and Sana" Mumei said as she pointed to them both. (Wait these two are both well off and well known...god damn this school is filled with well known people)

"Where's Muman? You always used to stick with him"

"Oh he's giving a tour for Kronii's brother"

"Oh? Has he found an interest finally?" Fauna spoke gently. Mumei shrugged her shoulders as she kept talking to them. For some reason seeing her talking to other people makes my heart ache a bit.

"Mumei, don't we still have half of the building left to tour?"

"Oh yea!! I forgor" I slightly laughed at her forgetfulness as she led the way towards the other parts of the building.

(Mumei's pov)

I slowly led Kronii everywhere in the university till we had one more place to visit.

"Oki doki, here's the gym!" Kronii looked around for a bit while I followed her.

"Ready to head back to Kronii?" Kronii nodded as she started to follow me on the way back. I felt my heart beating a bit faster than normal, the way it beated sounded as if everyone could hear it. (ow.....not again....) My heart felt like it was being squeezed tightly as I kept walking. I slowly leaned against the locker to calm it down.

"You ok Mumei?"

"y-yup! Just felt a bit dizzy!" My heart started to go back to its normal pace as I started to walk again.

(That one hurts more than usual.....)

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