Chap 9

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I sat on a bench as I watched my class run laps around the gym. I grabbed my book from my bag and started to read. I kept looking at my book while slightly glancing at the class, but I kept staring at Kronii. The sight of her with her clothes drenched in her sweat was alluring to me. Kronii caught my glance and waved at me and continued to run. I hid my face behind my book as my face went flustered. My heart started to beat a bit faster but not in a painful way. (After all these years, you can still make my heart beat without being in pain......) I smiled at the thought of it as I felt someone tugged on my book and took it.

"H-hey! That's mine!"

"Come on and run then! I bet that you probably aren't even sick, but you're using it as an excuse to not run!!" The guy who took my book started to run with it around with the class. (T-that's my mother's book!) I slowly got up and started to run after him.

"So you can run after all huh!"

"Give it back now!"

"Run a few more laps with us and then I'll give it back!"

I felt my heart start to squeeze again because of my heart rate. I gripped my shirt tightly as I kept running after the guy. I ran for what felt like miles till he finally gave my book back. I weakly walked back over to the bench as I gripped my book tightly. (It hurts so bad....) When I sat down my heart was still beating with agonizing pain. With my condition I should not be running, otherwise it'll grow worse....

My body felt weak like in a fainting state but half conscious. When the bell rang I felt the sound ringing loudly in my ears. I saw Kronii grabbing her stuff and then walking towards me. I weakly stood up and walked next to her.

" you mind if I lean on you a bit?" I saw Kronii's face getting nervous as she then agreed. I leaned my head gently against her arm as I walked. I couldn't even walk without support otherwise I'll just collapse. I felt my heart finally started to slow down as the pain started to decrease. I still kept hearing the ringing of the bells in my ears even though the bells don't ring for this long.

"Mumei, I saw you running a few laps with us today, I thought you were supposed to be on the bench?"

"Ah, well someone took my book so I-"

"Which bastard"


"Which bastard is your book?!"

"K-Kronii, can you please not speak loudly......besides I got it back by running after him" I slightly looked at Kronii who had a concerned face.

"Mumei, if one one is bothering you then tell me and I'll fix it for you!" I giggled at her statement as we kept walking.

"Oi Mumei!!" I turned my head a bit and saw Bae.

"Do you need something Bae?"

"Can you tell me the answer to this equation please!! Irys keeps saying it's 57 while I keep saying it's 23.6!"

I looked at the equation and silently stared at it.

"You're both wrong, the answer is 2.3"

"HUH?!!!" Bae stared at me in shock as if someone told her that they were pregnant.

"You have to solve this one first, then combine this, and then times this, then minus this, and then-"

"Mumei, I'll just ask the teacher" Bae left us in the hallways as we kept walking when we arrived Kronii sat next to me like always.

"Mumei, you're pretty smart to solve an equation like that, it took me 5 times your speed to figure that out."

"Well, math is just numbers, it's not like they're out to kill you, you just need to think"

When school was over I got in the car with Kronii.

I started to remember a rhyme from a long time ago and started to quickly hum it.

"What are you humming?"

"Oh, it's a rhyme where-" I stopped mid sentence as I realized that she wouldn't remember.

"It's a rhyme someone told me to make me laugh"

"Oh? What is it?"

"It's quite silly, you sure you want to hear it?"

"My brother is silly, I'm sure I can handle this."

"Alright, here it goes. 'Me no study, me no care, me go marry a millionaire. If he dies, I won't cry, I'll go find another guy.'" Kronii started to laugh as the car started to drive.

"I feel like I've heard that rhyme somewhere but I also feel like I haven't"

(Kronii, do you not remember anything?......)

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