Chap 17

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"I'm sorry miss but we can't allow that."

"Why not!!"

"Because the procedures would take too long and by the time we get the approval she'll be long gone."

I sat back in the chair with my hands covering my face.

"Mumei......" tears started to come out of my eyes as I heard the barging in of two people coming in. I looked around and saw Muman and Krono.

"Kronii!! Where is she?!"

"She's in that room but we can't go see her!"

"I thought her date wouldn't come this soon!" Muman said as he sat next to me.

"Is she going to die?......" Muman sat quiet till he responded.

"I'm not letting it happen." Muman stood up from the chair and went to the doctor.

"Surely you remember me?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?......"


"Then please come this way."

"Muman what are you going to do?!"

"I'm not letting her die.........and one more thing. Tell Mumei that I said goodbye and that it's not her fault but it was my choice." Muman left with the doctor as Krono sat next to me.

"He's giving Mumei his heart." I looked at Krono.

"But the procedures-"

"He did the procedure 7 years ago. All they needed was an approval on if he was going to do it, which was just now." I sank back in my chair.

"If he did the procedure 7 years ago then why wait till now?"

"Because he knew that Mumei wasn't going to let him. So he waited."

"How do you know all of this?" Krono sat silently.

"Because I told him that I was in love with him, but he said he couldn't accept it because he was going to do this if it was necessary."


"It's fine." We sat there for what felt like hours till the doctor came to me.

"She's ok. You can go see her in 304." I quickly got up and rushed to the room. There I saw Mumei sitting up staring at the wall. I sat next to her in a chair as she then looked at me.

"I don't understand, the donor wasn't ready till next week."

"Mumei.....there was an unexpected donor....Muman he-"

"No!! Why him?!! He never told me he registered!!"


"No!! Take this heart out of me!!!"

"Mumei listen!!" I grabbed Mumei by the shoulders as she had tears coming out.

"He wanted me to tell you goodbye. It was his choice, Mumei." I hugged Mumei tightly as she cried her heart out.

When she finally stopped I sat back in my chair.

"w-what's going to happen to your fathers plans?" Mumei weakly whimpered.

"He's going to make me marry into a different family."

"s-so is this g-goodbye?....."

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