Chap 13

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When I awoke I saw Kronii next to me. I looked around and immediately realized where I was, a hospital.

I gently shook Kronii to wake her up.

"Can we go home now Kronii?" Kronii stared at me silently.

"Mumei, you collapsed. Why didn't you tell me if you didn't feel well?"

"Well it was unexpected ok." Kronii stood up from the chair.

"You'll be discharged in a few when I fill out the paperwork." Kronii walked out of my room. I sank deeply into my pillow. I looked at my phone and saw texts from the others. I closed my phone and sat it down. (stupid heart.....)

When I got back it was dark. Kronii walked me to my room as I then sat on my bed.

"Kronii, did you tell my uncle or Muman about this?"


(Kronii's pov)

I walked out of Mumei's bedroom and went to deal with my father.

"Krono said you needed me?"


"What is it."

"The wedding is gonna be held at that Cathedral across from the city. It's gonna start at 6 pm and end around 10 or earlier depending on the situation. The tailor as already prepared a dress for you, and-"

"Father, I told you I'm in love with someone else." My father folded his hands together and looked at me.

"Kronii. I don't give a damn! I told you from the start that you are marrying him!! So you go to your secret little boyfriend and cancel your relationsh-"

"Father, I'm in love with a girl!!!" My father stood up and hovered over his desk slowly.

"get out."


"I said. GET OUT!" I left the room as I started to feel like I was about to cry. I slapped my face as I concluded to myself. (Pull yourself together Kronii!!) I stood in front of Mumei's room as I heard her silently crying. (Mumei.........) I put my hand on the doorknob and then heard Mumei speaking.

"I know it's y-you out there K-Kronii, do you mind leaving me a-alone for a bit." I took my hand away from the doorknob and went down stairs. When I came down stairs I saw a cupboard behind the staircase. I opened the door and went inside. I locked the door as I stood there. I still remember how I used to lock myself in a dark room as a punishment for myself. I sat on the floor while hugging my knees. I sat there for a good amount till I heard the door unlocking and then opening.

"Muman? How'd you find me?"

"Well we keep the cupboard unlocked." Muman opened the cupboard lights as he sat down next to me.

"What are you doing here Kronii?"

"Punishing myself."

"What for?"

"I'm done dealing with the bullshit my father says."

"Kronii, I heard the conversation."

"You eavesdropped?"

"Well, quite frankly he was yelling so it's hard not to hear."

"Well then you know the story."

"A girl huh?" I sighed and looked at him.

"What, are you against it too?" I said in an irritated tone.

"Is it my cousin?"

I sat there silently before I started to speak.

"How'd you know?"

"Well, I've seen the way you looked at her." I turned my head back around and buried it in my arms.

"What are you doing here anyways Muman"

"Well I was on my way to find Mumei and tell her something but since I found you first might as well tell you first. There's a donor for Mumei." I quickly looked at him.


"Yes, but the donor is not ready till next week."

"I see"

"Kronii.......why don't you run away with Mumei"

"Huh? Are you out of your mind?"

"Kronii, you don't want to marry me and there's no way of stopping your father. You said you were done with his bullshit. Plus Mumei never really liked it here. She only stayed because of her friends and because of me."

"What makes you think I'll agree to this?"

"Because, Kronii, I want you to help Mumei."


"Her entire life, she's been living under a different last name to avoid suspicion of being a Nanashi. Everyone always treated her differently because of her condition. All she ever wanted was a normal life, Kronii."

"Why would you think she'd want to go with me?"

"That's for Mumei to tell you herself."

(Mumei's pov)

I stood there quietly staring outside of the windows as I wiped my tears. I heard the door open along with a pair of footsteps approaching behind me.

"K-Kronii, I told you to le-" I felt Kronii hug me tightly behind the waist with her head resting on the nape of my neck.

"M-Mumei.........I'm in love with you....." I stood there silently before answering her.

"W-Why?....." tears started to slowly come down from my eyes.

"Why are you in l-love with a s-sick girl like me?! W-why?!" I felt Kronii turning me around and lifting my chin. Kronii pressed her tender lips against mine gently.

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