Chap 11

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I headed back into my room and saw Kronii sitting on her futon staring at the wall.

"Kronii, what are you doing?"


I glanced at my desk and grabbed something.

"Kronii, do you know what this is?"

"A ring?" (You really don't remember anything huh?......) I sighed as I set the ring back.

"Kronii, do you like someone?" Kronii's ears turned red as I sat on the bed.

"I-in what way?"

"A romantic way."

"then y-yes" my heart tightened a bit as I laid down.

"Do you?"

"For a long time, yes, but I don't think she'll feel the same."

I closed my eyes slowly when I didn't hear Kronii talking.

"Kronii?" I looked around and saw Kronii sitting on a branch up in the tree. I climbed branch by branch and then sat next to her.

"Kronii, what are you doing up here so late?"

"Mumei......I love you..." my face went red from her sentence.

"I-I um l-love you too" I said as I turned my face away. I started to hear Kronii laughing as I then turned my head around in interest.

"You really think I'd like a freak like you?! You're a fucking sick girl!!" My heart felt like it shattered and tightened as I heard her words. Kronii put her hands on my shoulder as I felt tears starting to come out of my eyes.

"You're not even in the same league as me, Mumei" Kronii pushed me off the branch as I saw her laughing. (I'm so blind to think someone like her would ever love me............) I kept falling over and over again like it was a bottomless pit as I closed my eyes. I felt my body being shaken over and over again, I fluttered my eyes gently and saw Kronii sitting on my bed shaking me. (It was a dream?.........) my pillow was drenched in tears as I felt another fall down slowly.

"M-Mumei?! Are you alright?! I heard you crying when I was asleep and-" i darted towards Kronii and hugged her by the waist as I muffled my crying on her.

"M-Mumei?....." I felt Kronii gently caressing my head as she pulled me up, making me cry on her shoulder with my arms wrapped around her. I felt my heart racing and tightening a bit as I cried.

"d-did you have a nightmare?" I kept crying on her shoulders as I did not answer. (I'm so pathetic.....crying from a dream.....needing Kronii like this.......)

Kronii started to wrap her arms around my back and hugged me tightly.

When I awoke I felt Kronii's arms still wrapped around me tightly. I glanced at the mirror behind her and saw my face. My eyes were all red from crying. I removed myself from her grasp and realized that she had eyebags because of me. (I really am pathetic.......)

I heard my phone went off, I grabbed it from my desk and answered it.


"Mumei!!! Fauna, me, Irys and Sana were wondering if you and Kronii wanted to go to this amusement park later today!!" My head started to ache a bit as Bae kept shouting.

"s-sure, I'll be there at 2 then." Bae hung up the phone as I sighed. I put my phone down and went back and sat on my bed. I laid Kronii down since she was hugging me the entire night.

"M-Mumei?......." I looked at Kronii who was rubbing her eyes.

"Do you feel better now?"

"y-yea...." Kronii smiled at me and then gently grabbed my hand and fell back asleep. (Kronii......) I felt my heart tighten a bit, each one hurting more than the last. (ow...........I think my date is gonna be sooner than expected........)

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