Chap 5

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"Muman we're back!!" I shouted. Kronii groaned next to me as she saw her brother waiting for her as well. I walked towards them as I felt my heart squeeze itself a bit more.


I walked towards Muman and tugged on his arm.

"Ah, Kronii, Krono, me and Mumei will be back in a bit, we just need to check something." Muman slowly walked with me to a corridor as he had a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I-It's happening again" I said in a shaky voice. Muman's face got a bit more concerned.

"You took your meds right?"

"Y-yea, but it's happening more frequently hurts..." I felt my eyes start to leak as Muman pulled me in and hugged me tightly.

"I-It's gonna be ok Mumei." my cousin gently caressed my head as he calmed me down.

"Let's head back shall we?" I gently nodded as I wiped off my tears. When we headed back we saw Kronii yanking Krono's hair as Krono was yanking hers.

"Ah-" Muman paused

"Oh you guys are back" I gently giggled at Kronii's awareness as she stopped yanking her brother's hair. I checked my phone and realized that school was about to end soon.

"I guess we can head back home since school is about to end."

"Damn this big ass school was that big of a tour?"

"We shouldn't say bad words now should we Krono? We are in a university after all"

"r-right sorry Muman" Kronii looked at her brother as words started to come out of her mouth.

"Wow, this is the first time I heard you apologize"

"Shut it!!"

Time slowly passed as we got in the car as we drove home. When we got back I head to my room and jumped on my bed.

"Waaa I miss you bed!" I heard Kronii walking up the stairs and eventually reaching here. Kronii sat on her futon as she looked at me.

"Where did you and Muman go anyways?" I laid there silent for a bit till I thought of a lie.

"Oh we just went to discuss whether or not you two got the hang of where everything was in the school."

"I see" I laid there in silence debating whether I should tell her. Kronii kept looking at me in silence as my face slowly started to turn red from her.

"um, Kronii, would you like to go with me for a walk to walk Animal?"


"Oh right I forgot to introduce her."

I got up and walked towards my closet. There I opened a door and a white fluffy dog jumped on me making me fall down.

"You keep a dog in your closet?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to have pets but I found her a while ago and hid her in my closet." Kronii stared at me blankly as I rummaged through the closet to find her leash. I gently tied it on Animal as I started to opene the window.

"W-wait what are you doing?!"

"We're going on a walk, remember?"

I climbed out through the window with Animal carried in my arms.

"Have you gained a few pounds Animal?" Animal turned her head away from me as she whimpered quietly. I grabbed the ladder that I stashed on the roof and slid it down to the ground as I signaled Kronii to come.

"Gosh, how do you even know how to climb roofs?"

"Muman often took me stargazing on the rooftops when we were younger, so I know how to climb roofs.

"You and Muman are pretty close huh?" I paused as I remember why he was so close to me

"y-yea....." I slowly climbed down the ladder as Kronii followed. I set Animal down as she started to walk around.

We kept walking around till the sun started to set. I gave the leash to Kronii as Animal started to drag her fast back to the manor. I started to slightly run after them since Kronii doesn't know how to control Animal.

"Animal slow d-" I slowed down my pace as I felt my heart squeeze tightly. (ow, ow, ow......) I gripped my clothes tightly as it kept squeezing. I started to pant loudly as I stopped my pace. My head felt dizzy while my vision got hazy, my ears started to ring till I heard faint voices



"Mumei!!" I looked up and saw Kronii with Animal trying to escape out of her grip on the leash

"Mumei, you ok? You look pretty worn out"

"y-yea I'm f-fine." I slowly started to walk as I lost my balance and fell into Kronii's grasp. My face started to heat up as I realized that my head was buried deep into Kronii's chest.

I lifted my head up as I saw Kronii's face red and turned away.

Kronii tied the leash to her waist as she bent down signaling me to get on her back.

"Wait, Kronii, I can wal-"

"Just get on my back Mumei." I slowly started to wrap my arms around Kronii's shoulders as she started to grab my legs. Kronii stood up in an instant and started to walk.

(she's strong.....)

When we got back she sat me gently down on the bed as she then took off the leash.

"Mumei, are you feeling sick?"

"yea I-I guess"

(Kronii's pov)

"Mumei I'm gonna go grab my phone downstairs." I walked out of the room as I kept worrying about Mumei's behavior. (Why do I care for someone I just met?) I walked down the stairs till I got stopped by Muman.

"Ah, Kronii, do you know where Mumei is?"

"Oh, we just came back from a walk. But I don't think she's feeling well." I saw the expression on his face change when I finished my sentence.

"Right, I'll go check on her" Muman started to slightly rush up the stairs to Mumei's room.

(Mumei.......are you not telling me something?....)

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