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Good evening to all!

       This is your author Calicoangel13 signing in for another story for the 2023... Although I'm always busy updating my other story, (Jinx and Serendipity) I kinda want to create a cute story based on my infatuation for cosers or cosplayers in another country...
So instead of daydreaming it alone, I already plot the entire story with pen and paper and ready to work on it here...

I'm kinda excited to post the first chapter, considering that I made a few changes when it comes to Jungkook's attitude and physical appearance... I know he is already perfect the way he is, (and you may bash me for the changes) but I want to share you all the idea of him being six feet tall, with prominent abs and super confident attitude... Trust me, you will drool at him here...

So what about Jimin? I'm also planning to change a few details on his body... I want him to have tiny waist like a real woman, with soft body features, super fair skin and wears make up and contact lenses everytime... He also wears skirts and dresses here, so don't misunderstood things and hate me...
Always remember that this is just a fanfiction, and the changes in their appearance and attitude is all in my head...

So if you don't like the idea, you can all leave my work alone and find something that fits your taste... (Cause I'll be deleting comments that may offend me or my readers) This is my domain, so I'll make my rules from now on...

Lastly, thank you all in advance for the love and support... I'll do my best to finish it in no time, so cheer me whenever you can... Looking forward to your interactions... I love you all so much!

Hugs and kisses!

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