Special Chapter 4: Yoongi's Past

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{a/n: Hi guys! I know that you're waiting for new updates but I'm being IA again... haha! Don't worry, I'll update more since school break will start soon...}


When the two came home, Yoongi brought his brother to his room to aid all his wounds... How can Jimin hide this important matter to him? Like come on! Being the target of bullies will make his school life so much worse... He should have considered the idea of transferring to another school the first time he experienced being hurt! And for someone as smart as the latter, it isn't impossible for him to get a lot of scholarships from another school just like the one he's attending to... Hopefully Jimin will be more open to the opportunity to leave that hellhole and put his own safety first...

"Min... I want you to tell me honestly how the fuck did you get those wounds today? Who hurt you? Who bullied you?" Yoongi asked with a hint of anger in his tone. "Did they threatened you too?"

Jimin looked down at his bloodied uniform, feeling disgusted by his own body for the first time. "N-no hyung, it's not like that... I-I just tripped and fell down the stairs..." He bit his lower lip while hugging his own body as if he's shielding it to everyone.

The image of Yoongi embracing his own brother in a protective manner to hide his tears falling down his cheeks will break everyone's hearts, as the two were just kids who experienced a lot of pain in this unfair world. If only their parents are still here to help their grandparents, maybe their lives would be so much better...
"You do know that I love you so much right? That I'll do anything just for you and our little family..."

"I know hyung..." Jimin sniffled. "But what happened to me today isn't bullying... I was just careless... I'm sorry for worrying you so much..." He lied to his own brother again. "Jiminie is always clumsy remember?"

Yoongi looked up their ceiling with his tears blurring his vision. "I'm just so worried about you, Min... The way you sacrificed a lot just for me... Those things that I selfishly wanted for myself but can't have? You are the one who offer it to me without thinking about yourself... So how can I sit still here while seeing you painted in blood and purple bruises while trying your best to cover your pain with a smile?" He sighed heavily. "If only I can take away some of your pain... If only I could be a better brother for you..."

"This is nothing hyung..." Jimin sobbed quietly. "If it is for you, this is nothing... You don't have to worry about me and just do your best in your own school..."

The older can only tend to his brother's injuries with a heavy heart...
He sincerely wishes to the gods in heaven that tomorrow will be better for both of them, or at least for Jimin... Cause once he sees another bruise in his brother's frail body, he will definitely kill anyone without caring the consequences of his own actions... An eye for an eye remember?


Both Jimin and Yoongi decided to skipped dinner to make sure that their grandparents won't notice the aftermath of everything happened that day... Despite the loud growling of their empty stomach, the siblings enjoyed the presence of each other, as the two finally drifted to sleep and escape the reality that torments them...

Without the latter knowing, his phone received multiple messages from Jin...
The soft buzz of Yoongi's phone wasn't able to wake him up, as the siblings embraced each other like they usually did when they were still young... Hopefully Jin would understand the current situation once Yoongi tell him everything, as the latter needed someone to lean on...

"From: Jeon Seokjin
Hey Yoongi it's me, Jin...
Are you still awake? Sorry if I wasn't able to reply to your messages this afternoon... A lot of things happened here in our house the moment I stepped out of my room... How are you?"

"From: Jeon Seokjin
Is your day boring too? My dad scolded me again just because he saw my presence in the same dining table as him for dinner... Funny right?"

"From: Jeon Seokjin
Wanna know something funny? My lovely brother, whom I cared so much in this lifetime, can't even look at me in the eye when he saw me today... Am I really that bad? Am I scary?"

"From: Jeon Seokjin
You're not replying... I guess you're sleeping now... Sorry, I just wanna talk to you about my day... Life here is nothing but prison... I can't wait for this week to end, as I wanted to leave this house and attend school again..."

"From: Jeon Seokjin
I'm no good in waiting but I'm trying my best to behave well until I see you again... Let's have some fun together next week! I'll bring my guitar too! Goodnight Yoongi..."

"From: Jeon Seokjin
I hope you're not afraid of me too...
Sleep well my friend..."

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