Special Chapter 5: Jin's Past

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{a/n: Since I'm kinda busy lately, I haven't able to work on my stories... But I'll do my best to update whenever I can...}


Jin went down from his room when one of their maids called him for dinner... Everything was supposed to be fun and well, but Mr. Jeon didn't make it easier for his teenage son...
The younger was silently sipping his soup when his father loudly clear his throat while disgustingly look at him... Jin looks up to his father with fear visible in his face, making the older scoffs and snarls... "Why the fuck is this useless child who brings nothing but shame in our family eating with us tonight? Who's the stupid one who told him that he can join us and ruin our dinner?"

The way no one wanted to admit their fault, not even the same maid who called Jin in his room for dinner... The young man could never fathom the idea of his father brutally punishing anyone who wronged him, as it is most likely the face of hell in the world they're living in. So instead of pointing fingers, he mustered all his courage and took the blame before he forcefully apologize to his father for disobeying him...

"I-I'm sorry father... It was me who come here for dinner since I-I felt so hungry... No one told me to join you... I'm sorry..." Jin bit his inner cheek to hide his emotions.

"You. You stupid young man. Did I give you the right to speak?" Mr. Jeon said in an angry tone that boomed the quiet space. "Who told you to disobey my rules in my own fucking house huh?!"

"N-no one..." He replied shortly. "I-I'm sorry father... P-please don't get mad... I promise to leave the dining room right away..."

Mr. Jeon stood up and threw the linen napkin that was once on his lap to his son's face, making everyone including Mrs. Jeon gasped in shock... Jungkook witnessed how cruel his father is towards his brother, yet the mere idea of him protecting his hyung is nowhere near his options. At that moment, he wished to stay out of anyone's business...

"Young man, if you can act like a tough, war freak maniac in front of your classmates, then you should know how to fight me back too!" Said the older man who clearly wanted to provoke his son. "This family was once a great and perfect one, until you choose to taint our reputation by acting like a hero in front of that poor friend of yours! Are you content with your goddamned actions resulting in your brother's trauma?"

Jin tried his very best to calm his raging headache, but to no avail... His own father is triggering a part of him that wants to hurt people and it's not going to end well if he doesn't stop... So before things escalate into a more violent one, the young man tries to excuse himself in front of everyone, yet his father pulls him by his hair before they head into the older man's office... Behind the safety of the thick and closed door, people working and living in the manor can still hear the loud slaps, broken glass and the poor whimpers of a child getting brutally punished by his own blood.
The way Jin yells for forgiveness is echoing the empty hallway, down to the dining room where Mrs. Jeon and Jungkook are staying... No one tried to save the young man from all the pain that his father gave him, as they are afraid to be killed by the same one who practices violence for everything... The brutal scene lasted for an hour, until they couldn't hear Jin's voice anymore... Once the older man came out of his office, the blood of his once beloved son covered his white long sleeves top, alarming everyone...

"I need someone to take Jin out of my office..." Said Mr.Jeon with a stoic expression. "Clean everything up... I'm not going there for the time being..."

All of the maids and male workers in their household join forced to clean the gruesome scene that no one could ever imagine... Their young master is covered with his own blood, partnered with blue and purple bruises and cigarette burns that broke their hearts even more... Just how can a father do that to his own child? Maybe Jin did something wrong, but that doesn't justify the way he disciplines him like a convicted prisoner... The once handsome and cheerful child was now a battered son from a father who only valued his image and reputation... He doesn't deserve any of this...

Mrs. Kim, the family maid ever since Jin is just a child, is the one who embraces the unconscious boy before the male worker helped her carry him to his own room... The atmosphere inside the house is so heavy that no one dares to talk while cleaning the remnants of blood on every corner... The old maid hurriedly cleans every single wound that Jin received, trying her best not to cry in front of the child she practically raised like her own grandchild...
"I'm so sorry if I can't do anything to protect you, Jin-ah... This grandma is too weak to shield you in this cruel household... But I promise you, I will never leave your side, not even death..." She caressed his pale cheek. "Grandma will do her best to take care of you on behalf of your cruel parents and brother... So don't leave grandma too okay?"

The old maid stayed by his side the entire time... Jin woke up late at night feeling sore due to the amount of punches and wounds he received from his father... He then took his phone and read Yoongi's reply to him... The only good thing that happened in his day... Despite the aching heart, he tried to be as cheerful as possible in his messages to make sure that the latter won't worry about him... He just wishes that this week would end so fast, before his father could kill him...

"I missed my life with you, Yoongi-ah... I wonder if you feel the same towards me..." He sighed as he looked at the white ceiling. His relationship with his family is so fucked up now that he can't wait to finish high school and move out... Maybe his college life would be so much better than this hellhole.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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