Chapter 15 part I

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{a/n: Hello hello again guys! I'll be updating more before I move back to my other story...}


Following the conversation of the two outside the hall, the organizers decided to ask Jungkook if he could perform infront of his fellow cosers who came from different countries just for the convention... Since the taller is the face of Korean cosers, he can't do anything but to agree... (although he isn't happy with the idea) So when Jimin came back from his breather outside, he didn't expect to see the latter talking to a female host about something he didn't know... The way the two treated each other as if they are already acquaintances way back feels like Jungkook can't truly hold onto his promises...

Which is why Jimin went back to his seat as he rest his head on his lover's shoulder with his eyes closed. It doesn't really matter if Jungkook wanted to whore himself again...
"I can't wait to go home and cuddle with Weian-ssi... This party is getting boring anyway..." He thought.

"You alright, my love?" Weian asked while holding Jimin's hand. "Should we head back home and rest?"

"I don't feel like going home..." The smaller pouts. "Can we go back to your hotel room and spend more time together? Maybe cuddle and sleep?"

"Of course we can... Maybe we can stop by on some boutique first to buy pajamas and undies for you..." Weian suggested which make Jimin nods. "Should we invite Hobi-hyung and Hakken too?"

Jimin clings onto the taller's arm and shook his head. "J-just us please... I want to spend time with you..."

Weian didn't know what made his angel moody, but he will never refuse Jimin's request to be alone with him... Which is why before Jungkook start his performance, the two took the chance to talk to Ms. Yoo in order for them to leave the party early... Everyone near the three were looking at them, hoping to catch a glimpse of the hottest cosers in their generation, and maybe get their autographs...
It doesn't take long for Jungkook to realize that Weian and Jimin are already leaving the party, so he hopped down the stage and walk back to their seats where he met the smaller looking blankly at him...

"Where are you going? Aren't you gonna stay until the end of the party?" He asked, looking directly at the beautiful lady.

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