Special Chapter 1: Jin's Past

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{a/n: Hello hello guys! Are you ready for the first part of the past? I hope you guys will still love me after this...}


When Jin first saw the beauty of the world, he is so sure to himself that his life as a Jeon would be a gift from heaven... The way his father adored him like his son held the entire world in his palm gave him the best childhood memories that a parent has to offer... The family would often go to different countries whenever they have long vacation, or if their schedules fit perfectly to each other...
This is also the time when the little boy learned from his father how to ski and snowboarding... What a perfect life indeed!

Mrs. Kim (Jin's mom) would often scold her husband and son as they usually enjoy their time together doing the sport that they loved rather than sitting with her in the dining and eat meals together... Young Jin was a clever kid and will usually ask his dad to buy his mother a bouquet of flowers as a sign of apology, which is so effective in her behalf... He truly knows how to win his mother's heart.

The family of three soon welcomed the newest addition of their family when Jin is already in five years old; a handsome little bean named Jeon Jungkook... Even with his early age, you will already see the resemblance of Mr. Jeon to his youngest son... The couple were so happy to have two lovely children, and Jin treated his little brother the way his father treated him while he is growing up... What a responsible and loving brother right? The four of them spent every single day with nothing but happiness and love, something that the two boys will forever be grateful for...

As years went by so fast and the little boy before is now celebrating his 16th year of his wonderful and perfect life... The way he gained a lot of friends like flowers blooming in spring symbolizes how good he is as a person and how lovely his personality is towards the people around him... Despite the fact that his father wanted him to attend an all boys school, Jin insisted that he wanted to be with his elementary friends and attend a public highschool in Seoul... This is also the very same reason as to why he stumbled upon a certain Min Yoongi from the family of farmers from the countryside that went to the city... The bubbly young man would often took the empty spot next to the quiet and cold Yoongi while talking random stuff thay may help him start a conversation with the latter...

"You do know that even if you wouldn't reply to me, I will still talk to you nonstop..." Jin smiled while offering his gummy bears.

Yoongi would only look at him with those boring cold eyes that wanted nothing but his peace... He will never associate himself again with someone came from a wealthy family, as he already experienced the pain of seeing his grandparents apologizing to those rich people just because they blame them for stealing some jewelry that they never even know that it exist...
So when this rich kid Jin tried to befriend him, he want nothing but to ignore him for the rest of their highschool years... Sadly, the way the younger man walk into his life like a stormcloud will change his life forever...

It all happened that one Friday morning... The weather is getting colder due to the dark clouds outside their school... Jin is walking down the empty hallway when he heard someone playing piano from the music room... The song is so beautiful yet painful, as if the pianist wanted to convey a sorrowful story to his listeners... So when Jin opened the sliding door, he found his classmate Yoongi being too focused in his piece with a huge purple bruised in his right eye that painted his alabaster skin... The taller didn't waste anymore time and waltz inside the room to check on the lonely boy...

"Oh my goodness Min Yoongi! Who did this to you?! Are you alright?" Jin exclaimed as he knelt down to level himself with the latter.

"It's nothing... You don't have to worry about me..." Yoongi replied quietly, as if he is scared to be heard by anyone.

"Nothing? Are you out of your mind?! Have you seen your face? They beat you so bad!" He retorted. "Who did this to you? Is it Jake and his gang again?"

"A rich boy like you will never understand my pain even if I told you... So instead of looking after me, why don't you just leave me alone? I'm tired of your bullshit and I just want to graduate and leave this hellhole..." Yoongi slapped away Jin's hand on his cheek. "Go back to your friends and never talk to me again..."

"But I can't!" Jin yelled back. "I don't know what's your issue with wealthy kids, but I'm not like them! I wanted to be your friend not to act superior towards you but as equal... Can't you see that? Do you still treat me as if I'm a jerk just because I was born in a family who simply have everything?"

The cold gaze from Yoongi gave the latter goosebumps all over his body... Just how broken is this boy can be to push everyone away from him?
"You don't have to pretend that you care, Jeon Seokjin... This is my own problem, so back off..."

Jin finally stood up with his eyes shining with tears. "I told you before and I'm gonna tell you again now... I am not like those jerks who simply wanted you to be their punching bag... I cared about you, Min Yoongi... I wanted us to be friends!" He then took his bag from the floor and walk towards the door. Before he can even leave, he said something that shook Yoongi to his core.

"Just so you know, I'm also good in fighting, and I will never lose to someone like Jake and his friends..." He swallowed thickly. "You should visit the infirmary once the nurse arrive, I'm gonna tell the teachers that youre not feeling well..." With that, Jin left the music room, unknowingly taking a piece of Yoongi's heart with him.

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