Special Chapter 1: Yoongi's Past

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{a/n: So I'll do an alternate chapter for both Jin and Yoongi in order for you to understand... Thank you!}


Once the punishment of the gang and Jin had been implemented by their principal, Yoongi found himself not looking forward to going to school for the rest of the week... He didn't want to be the center of attention by his fellow classmates while alone in their class... Truth to be told, he is more than embarrassed to be called a student of the prestigious school that he's attending to while his little brother, Jimin, is attending the public highschool near their home while helping their grandparents sell and deliver vegetables after his class... The way he smiles so bright despite the tiring day made Yoongi feel more guilty for the privilege that he enjoys in the companion of others...

When Yoongi came home after the meeting with the principal, he found his brother counting every single penny that he saved from both of his allowance and the vegetable delivery... (He uses his cute worn out bike to deliver their crops to the nearby restaurants) The way Jimin's face lit up when he saw the amount of money he earned for the whole month made his older brother tear up... Jimin never asks anything from anyone, not even on his own birthdays, as their grandparents told him that even if they are lacking in other aspects in life, he is loved. So despite his young age and thin body, Jimin helped their family in his own little way.

"Oh hyung! Welcome back!" Jimin smiled as he greeted his brother. "Are you hungry? Should I make you some corn soup and rice?"

Yoongi felt as if he was choking on air while staring at his loving brother. Why did he end up being entangled with rich people? It's not like his life would change even if he studied in that fucking school. "I-uhm... I'm not hungry..." He lied.

"You sure? Did you have anything to eat before you came home?" The younger asked again.

"N-no... I just... I just wanna rest... Today is really a bad day for me, and the person who protected me with my bullies received punishment too... I don't know how I can contact him since I don't have a stupid phone to begin with..." Yoongi sighed in defeat. "But don't worry about it... You know that I'm always blabbering nonsense whenever I'm stressed..."

Jimin can only nod in response as he watches his brother retreat to his room... Maybe he can help him with his problem with the money he has? It's not like he's in a hurry to buy a new bike for the delivery...
"My hyung always worries about our family without knowing that he also deserves our help... I guess I should buy him a phone after my delivery later..." He smiles as he opens his metal cookie box with his money inside, taking most of the bills with him.


Jimin left his grandparents house around 4pm to deliver their crops in the seafood restaurant... His grandfather instructed him to be more careful, as the way to the restaurant is more slippery today due to the heavy rain... The young boy embraced his grandparents before he announced his departure... The road he frequently crosses is really slippery, so he decided to go down his bike and walk... Even if his feet are aching due to his PE class, Jimin makes sure to keep his happy demeanor while enjoying the beautiful scenery around him...
"Hyung will definitely be surprised once he sees the new phone later..." He giggles. "I can't wait to see his reaction! For sure he will love it..."

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