Chapter 18 part I

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{a/n: Good evening everyone! I'll be updating this story since I missed Weian-Jimin and JiKook ship so much}


After a few more exchange of this and that with the photographer, the couple decided that it's time to head back home... Both Jimin and Weian felt the growing pain all over their body due to the amount of stress that they experience while doing the shoot... Thanks to the huge gowns, layers of clothes and the hot weather, every single part of their body is aching and sore...

As they were preparing to drive back home, Weian took the opportunity to help his lover to buckle up his seatbelt, as he almost doze off with in so much exhaustion... The way Jimin whines softly as he embraced Weian's arm like a cute little boy embracing his teddy bear... This cute little moments will always be memorable for a guy who's head over heels in love with Jimin.
"Sleep well my prince... I'll make sure to make your day tomorrow the best, as we will spend our time together..." He gave him a small pecked on his forehead first before he start the car engine and drive back.


When Jungkook knew that the car of the two is already gone, he felt his body finally relaxed as Angel is finally away from his sight... He didn't know when and why, but the beautiful girl with the most innocent smile is slowly crumbling his wall down and forcefully enter his life like a storm... Sadly, even his best friend doesn't want him to make a move on Angel due to some reasons that even him didn't know...
"Why can't I stay by her side and be the best version of me? It's not like I'm asking her to marry me or something..." He sighed deeply while sitting at the back of their car. "Even my own best friend stubbornly requested me to leave her alone as if I have a contagious disease... Am I really that bad for her?"

"You're not that bad, if you ask me..." Taehyung suddenly replied, surprising Jungkook. "But there are some things that only Angel can tell you at the right time..."

Jungkook looked at his best friend with confused expression. "You do know that whatever it is, I will never judge her, as she became someone I cherish the most..."

"Mhm." Taehyung hummed as he sat beside his best friend. "But will you say and act the same once you find out the truth? I bet you're gonna freak out once you learn whatever secret she have..."

Jungkook scoffs back at him for sounding ridiculous. "You acted as if I'm gonna hate her for real if I learn the truth... It's not like she is born gay or something... Apart from that, we're good..."

The way Taehyung's smile faltered the moment Jungkook implied his hate towards gay people... So how can Jimin tell the truth if Jungkook himself is pushing him to lie and hide his true self? "Just make sure not to hurt her, okay? There's always a limit on how you treat people, and for that to happen, you should be more understanding on Angel's situation..."

"I won't hurt her, I promise..." Jungkook smiled. "I'll definitely treat her right..."

Taehyung only shrugged his shoulders before standing up to pat the dirt on his pants. "Let's just wait for the day of the convention... I heard that Weian and Angel will announce their relationship to the public..."

"They will? So the two decided to make their relationship public... I wonder what the cosplay community will say once they heard the news..." Jungkook faked a smile. "Angel will surely get a lot of hate comments from Weian's toxic fans..."

"Or maybe they can handle the news well..." Taehyung smiled weakly. "Not everyone is like your cruel dad, Jungkook-ah... Relationship is a gift from heaven and we should respect that..."

"It can also be a sign of someone's pain..." Jungkook puffed his vape. "Don't get me wrong okay? But sometimes, I feel like the world hated the idea of someone falling deeply in love and started a great relationship with their right one... Looking back at my brother's painful relationship before, he never had a choice to begin with... The way he loved that person so much almost caused them their own lives, as our father hated the fact that his first born son chose to be with a man and not a girl..." He unconsciously clenched his fist. "Although it is against my own will, our dad dragged me to hyung's room and forced me to watch him physically hurt my own brother until he felt satisfied... Just how fuck up is that?"

Taehyung remembered that one moment of their childhood memories when he saw his best friend looking so shocked and broken on the day of their grade school graduation... The fear that he once felt in behalf of his brother was submerged deep into the pit of his wrath and despair; changing the innocent him into something worse.

"Those memories keep tormenting me until now, as if I was the one who hurt my brother and not dad... The bloody hands and sinister smile of my brother's perpetrator surely made a hug scar on my mind that even the current me can't forget..." He growls lowly. "I fucking hate my dad, and so as all the homos in the world! I wish they all disappear and never come back..."

"Kook, that's enough..." Taehyung said. "I know you're tired, and so am I... We should pack our stuff and leave..."

Jungkook could only nod in response. Although he can't help but to hate gay people, he still choose to treat his own best friend with so much love and respect... Despite their contrasting view to homosexuality, the two have a strong bond that no one can replace... They just hope that someday, one of them will be able to change their minds and support the other...

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